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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of thedepartment of Canadian Heritage. PM# 40026440 ZA BOHA, NÁROD A SLOVENSKO FOR GOD, NATION AND SLOVAKIA Volume - ročník 72 čislo 13 29. marec 2014 Cena / Price: $1.75 He Saw Us With His Heart Even before he began to sing, he announced that although he does not see us with his eyes, he does see us with his heart. For a short while, we were also able to respond that although we could see him with our eyes, we also able to hear and sense him with our hearts. Marián Bango possesses a compelling voice and a delightful sense of humour; he quickly won the hearts of those present in the crowded hall beneath the church of St.Cyril and Methodius in Missississagua on March 23. To most people who attended the performance, he was relataively unknown. His wife, also visually impaired, did not sing but mesmerized the audience with her gentle voice as she narrated anecdotes of their life s journey together, challinging yet full of love. Photo: Palo Stacho At times Marián Bango resembled a young gentleman as he delivered passionate love songs that warmed the heart. When he sang duets with the young charming Anna Morrone, the audience was transported to the shores of sunny, romantic Italy. Ms. Morrone s trained operatic voice blended beautifully with Marian s natural tones. His clever selection of songs and their execution more than won over the feelings and emotions of the audience who kept expressing their apreciation with thunderous applause. Recently we wrote about a Franciscan missionary who finds peace and solace in the jungles among native peoples. Where does Marian Bango find peace and solace? Perhaps in experiences like this, where his sensitive soul touches our souls and unites us all emotionally. Bango is a large man with a smile and relaxed attitude. After the performance he and his wife eagerly shook hands with friends: old friends and new friends the had just made. It seemed that he had known these people all his life just as the audience, after hearing him sing, felt they too had known him all along. Julo Behul Videl nás svojím srdcom Pred tým než sa rozospieval, povedal pekné slová o tom, že nás síce nevidí očami, ale vidí nás svojím srdcom. Za krátku chvíľu sme mu mohli odpovedať aj my, že ho síce vidíme očami, ale počujeme a vnímame srdcom. Marián Bango spieval podmanivým hlasom, vtipkoval a ihneď zapadol medzi tých, ktorí si ho 23. marca prišli vypočuť do preplnenej spoločenskej haly kostola sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Mississauge (Ontário). Bango bol otáznik, veď málokto o ňom vedel niečo bližšie. Snáď iba to, že je nevidiaci a že má rovnako nevidiacu manželku. No s jej čarovným zamatovým hlasom sme sa zoznámili krátko po otvorení koncertu. Nespievala, ale rozprávala tak pokojne a príťažlivo, že spolu s ňou sme spoznávali ich spoločnú cestu neľahkým, ale láskyplným osudom. Nebolo treba vidieť priveľa, pretože ich dotyk rúk bol dostatočnou pečaťou pravdivosti. Marián Bango pôsobil po chvíľkach ako mladý chalan, ktorý s úsmevom zaspieval tóny zahrievajúce srdce. Keď v duete spieval s mladou šarmantnou speváčkou Anne Morrone, na návštevníkov akoby zosadol opar sladkého Talianska. Jej strhujúci profesionálny prejav stmelený s Bangovým prirodzeným hlasom upútal do posledného miesta obsadenú kostolnú halu a všetky pohľady sústredil na javisko, kde spoločne ponúkli jeden z najkrajších zážitkov nedeľného popoludnia. Bango svojím výberom piesní a ich prednesom ulahodil obecenstvu, ktoré mu svoje pocity opätovalo aplauzom. Prednedávnom sme na tomto mieste písali o misionárovi, františkánovi, ktorý svoj pokoj duše nachádza v džungli, medzi domorodými Indiánmi. A kde nachádza pokoj duše či pocit zadosťučinenia Marián Bango? Možno v takom dni ako bol dnešný, keď jeho citlivá duša zachytila ozvenu našich pocitov, vnútorného napätia, ktoré nás s ním pevne spojilo. Bango je veľký chlapec s úsmevom a bezstarostným vystupovaním. Po vystúpení podával spolu so svojou manželkou ruky priateľom - tým novým i úplne najnovším. Tým, ktorých spoznal iba teraz, ale možno mal pocit, že ich pozná už dlho - snáď aj celý svoj život. Rovnako ako aj oni poznali jeho. Julo Behul Kuzminová Shoots to Victory Anastasia Kuzminová, Slovakia s Olympic gold medalist had the best weekend of her career at the last Biathlon World Cup meet of the season in Holmenkollen, Norway on March 22-23. She captured gold in the 10km pursuit on Saturday, followed by another gold in the 12.5 km Mass Start on Sunday; the mass start was the last race of the season. Finland s Kaisa Makarainen secured her second career biathlon World Cup overall title. I am thrilled that I was able to finish the season on such a note and able to provide a victorious experience for all of Slovakia, said the Russian-born Slovak athlete in an interview with Rádio Slovensko after the race. She humbly added, There was some luck involved; my opponents were not on target today with their shooting and I was able to take advantage of their mistakes. The racing itself was very demanding because of the changing conditions but it was the shooting that allowed me to win today. My opponents did not hit all their targets while I was able to shot them all from standing position at the last range. Tichomir Miko

Kanadský Slovák 29. marec 2014 strana 2 Visit our website at Navštívte našu internetovú stránku na www.kanadskyslovak.ca Published every Saturday (47 times a year) Vychádza každú sobotu (47-krát do roka) The newspaper is published with the financial support through grants from the Office for Slovaks Living Abroad (www.uszz,sk ) in the Slovak Republic and from the Canada Periodical Fund Aid to Publishers from the Department of Canadian Heritage. Tieto noviny vychádzajú (www.uszz,sk ) na Slovensku a z Kanadského fondu pre periodiká - podpora vydavateľom z ministerstva Kanadského dedičstva. Subscription rates in Canada $75, United States $100 and other countries $140. Please mail your cheque to the editorial office. Predplatné pre Kanadu $75, do Spojených štátov $100 a do ostatných krajín $140. Šeky na predplatné posielajte na adresu redakcie. Editorial Office - Adresa redakcie 259 Traders Blvd. East, Unit 6 Mississauga, ON, L4Z 2E5 Telephone Telefón 905-507-8004 Julius Behul Editor-in-Chief Šéfredaktor editor@kanadskyslovak.ca Daniel Sulan Chairperson, Business Committee predseda Hospodárskeho výboru dsulan@ksliga.ca Stanislav J. Kirschbaum Chairperson, Editorial Committee predseda Redakčného výboru stankosk@glendon.yorku.ca The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit, shorten, correct, or not publish contributions of stories or photographs. Unsigned articles will NOT be published. Articles and photographs sent by regular mail will not be returned. Redakcia si vyhradzuje právo prispevky skrátiť, redakčne upraviť, alebo aj neuverejniť. Nepodpísané prispevky neuverejňujeme. Rukopisy a fotografie poslané poštou nevraciame. Canadian Slovak League Kanadská slovenská liga Head Office - Hlavný úrad 259 Traders Blvd. East, Unit 6 Mississauga, ON, L4Z 2E5 Mary Ann Doucette President/predsedníčka madoucette@ksliga.ca KALEN- DÁRIUM Malý oznamovateľ ZDARMA - FREE Classified V kolónke malého oznamovateľa môžete uvádzať svoje krátke oznamy (kúpa, predaj, informácie) po dobu vydania dvoch čísiel Kanadského Slováka ZDARMA. Placing a short ad ( sales, information etc.) in this section for a period of two issues of Canadian Slovak will be FREE. Slovenská zdravotná sestra plánuje otvoriť svoj dom v malebnej rybárskej dedinke na Novej Scotii staršiemu manželskému páru alebo 2 seniorom s plnou starostlivosťou (domáca strava, pranie, upratovanie, malý psík alebo mačka vítaná). Mám organickú zeleninovú záhradu, chovám sliepky a zajace. Ďalšie informácie na tel. čísle 902 645 3970 alebo e-mailom: aapfelova@yahoo.com The Slovak Consulate in Toronto Honorary Consul Michael Martincek Cordially invites you to attend 14th Annual BALL POLOGNE We have helped children in Slovakia with $40,000 at King Edward Hotel,37 King Street, Toronto, Ontario on Saturday, April 26th 2014 Champagne Reception at six o clock - Dinner at seven o clock Featuring GRAND SALON ORCHESTRA Conducted by Music Director KERRY STRATTON Silent Auction, Floor Show, Dancing to Live Music - Complimentary Wine Bar BLACK TIE OR EVENING ATTIRE FOR RESERVATION PLEASE CALL 416 921 4016 Individual Tickets $275 Rusko vyhlásilo sankcie proti 13 kanadským politikom Rusko v pondelok zaviedlo vízové a finančné sankcie proti trinástim kanadským diplomatom a politikom ako odvetu za protiruské sankcie Kanady vyhlásené minulý týždeň pre okupáciu Krymu. Vytlačiť V ruskom sankčným zozname sú napríklad šéf dolnej komory kanadského parlamentu Andrew Scheer, vedúci kancelárie predsedu vlády Wayne Wouters, poslanci a vládni poradcovia. Kanada vyhlásila minulý utorok sankcie proti skupine ukrajinských a ruských politikov, ktorí sa podieľali na anexii Krymu. Trest stihol okrem iného ruského vicepremiéra Dmitrija Rogozina, predsedu krymskej vlády Sergeja Aksjonova alebo predsedníčku hornej parlamentnej komory Valentínu Matvijenkovú. Rusko kanadské sankcie označilo za neprijateľný útok, ktorý vážne poškodí úroveň rusko-kanadských vzťahov. Sankcie proti Rusku vyhlásili po okupácii Krymu aj Spojené štáty a Európska únia. Niekoľko desiatok ruských verejných činiteľov a vojakov zaradených na zoznam nesmie cestovať do USA a západnej Európy a ich účty v západných bankách boli zablokované. Aj v tomto prípade si Moskva uplatnila právo odvety. KTO A KDE Sts. Cyril and Methodius Parish 5255 Thornwood Dr., Mississauga, ON L4Z 3J3 905-712-1200 Fax: 905-712-0974 e-mail: office@slovakparish.ca web site: www.slovakparish.ca Slovenský evanjelický kostol augsburgského vyznania sv. Pavla (Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Paul) l424 Davenport Rd., Toronto, Ont. M6H 2H8 Ont. Tel.: (4l6) 658-9793 Gréckokatolícka katedrála Narodenia Presv. Bohorodičky 257 Shaw St., Toronto, Ont. M6J 2W7 Tel.: /416/ 531-4836 web site: www.chramsk.slovak-net.com Bishop John Pazak Assumption Slovak Catholic Byzantine Church 1406 Barton St. East, Hamilton, On., L8H 2W5 Tel. 905 544-9166, www.church.assumptionslovakhall.ca Rímsko-katolícky kostol sv.cyrila a Metoda, 1532 Alexeis Rd.Windsor, Ontario. N8Y 4P2, tel: (519) 945-7063, Fax: (519) 945-0866 Slovenské evanjelické služby Božie v kostole Sv. Lukáša, 3200 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, M2M 3R7. Rev. Dusan Toth, D.D. Tel.:416-2218900, e-mail cosloffice@sympatico.ca St. Michael s Slovak Byzantine Catholic Church 2120 Byng Rd. (Walker/Tecumseh) Windsor Ontario N8W 3E2 Phone/Fax: (519) 258-4829 Rímsko-katolícky kostol sv. Cyrila a Metoda 204 Park St. North Hamilton, Ont. (905) 529-6674 www.slovakchurch.com Cathedral Mission of the Transfiguration 15 Church Lane Thornhill, ON L3T 2G4-905-477-4867 Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Sunday Rímsko-katolícky kostol sv. Cyrila a Metoda 7187 2nd Ave. Montreal,QC H2A 3G8 (514) 721-1551 Catholic Church Protection of the Mother of God 464 Ritson Rd.S. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 5J9 Tel: 905-245-0629 Fr. Stephen Williams Adm. email: holy.protection.byz@gmail.com Slovenské veľvyslanectvo Slovak Embassy 50 Rideau Terrace, Ottawa, Ont. K1M 2A1 Tel.: (613) 749 4442 www.ottawa.mfa.sk Honorary Consultate of the Slovak Republik Montreal 22, Place de la Madeleine Dollard des Ormeaux Quebec, H9B 1W3 T: 514 585 2496 F: 514 421 1583 E: Slovex@slovex.com Honorary Consul Mr. Dezider Michaletz Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic 2nd Floor - 247 Abbot Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2K7 Tel.(604) 682-0991 Fax: (604)- 904-0301 Honorary Consul Mr. Stanislav Lisiak Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic 649 Brooker Ridge Newmarket, Ontario L3X 1V7 Canada Tel.: 647 290-9304 Fax: (905) 898-0166 Honorary Consul Mr. Michael Martincek E-mail :slovakconsulateto@gmail.com Centrum kultúry a dedičstva kanadských slovákov 12 Birch Ave. Toronto, Ont. (416) 939 3111 http://www.slovak.com Slovenská Kanadská Národná Rada Slovak Canadian National Council 135 West Beaver Creek P.O. Box 1008, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada L4B 4R9 tel. (905)771 9748 scnc@rogers.com Slovak Canadian Heritage Museum Múzeum Slovenského Kanadského kulturného dedičstva 5255 Thornwood Dr., Mississauga, ON L4Z 3J3 416-721-7652 slovakmuseum@gmail.com Torontské slovenské divadlo www.torontskeslovenkskedivadlo.com divadlo@torontskeslovenkskedivadlo.com Vychodna Slovak Dancers Toronto Mario Hrapko 416 845 5836 Dusan Dorich 416 806 4420 Slovak Domovina Dancers, Windsor, Ont. Irene Timko Director, 519-969-2899 e-mail: timko.irene@gmail.com www. kanadsky slovak. ca

M. Mark Stolarik, Where is my Home? Slovak Immigration to North America (1870-2010), Bern: Peter Lang, 2012, 392 p. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1169-4 pb / ISBN 978-3-0351-0485-1 ebook. The back cover of this paperback publication indicates that this book tells the epic story of Slovak immigration to North America and that it also offers a comprehensive history of this significant member of the family of Slavic nations. Such a description begs the following question: what is this book about? The reader quickly discovers that there are, in fact, three stories interwoven in the narrative: a history of Slovakia, Slovak emigration to North America, and the Stolarik family saga. The first story is meant to give an overview of Slovak history; it is, however, very brief and incomplete, serving primarily as a backdrop to explain why so many Slovaks left their homeland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, traveled to distant shores, and what they did upon arrival. It is also the background to the Stolarik family story, which, according to the author was representative of the history of the Slovaks both in Europe and in North America in the twentieth century. There is no dedicated chapter that gives the reader an overview, however short but comprehensive, of Slovak history; rather this history narrative appears briefly and in sections throughout the chapters to support the two other stories of Slovak immigration and the Stolarik family. This leaves the reader unfamiliar with Central European history with a very limited if not confused understanding of the social, political, and economic factors and events that drove so many Slovaks to emigrate. It also makes it difficult for the reader to appreciate fully the divisions that arose within the American and Canadian Slovak communities and the role and importance of the many organisations and publications they created. In other words, the history of Slovakia that is offered in this book does not provide a sufficient and understandable context for the other two stories. The second story, the story of Slovak immigration to North America, is far more complete and well documented, but lacks conceptual coherence. The Slovaks who immigrated to North America did so for a number of reasons: economic, political, and/or personal. Once on this continent, they faced many issues related to their need not only to survive but also to define themselves in a new environment that demanded their work and allegiance but that also allowed them to create communities of compatriots. The tension that developed between these two processes is what makes the history of Slovak immigration to North America interesting not only on its own merit, but also because of the link to what was happening in Slovakia. Stolarik describes the major moments that marked American and Canadian Slovak communities, moments often connected to political developments in Slovakia. He chronicles the establishment of the organisations in the United States and Canada and the events that had an impact like the signing of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Agreements, documents that later played an important role in Slovak politics. A major contribution to the history of the Slovak diaspora is his description of the creation of the Slovak World Congress as well as of the establishment of the Chair of Slovak Culture and History at the University of Ottawa (which the author currently occupies). But this is only part of the immigration story. Not all immigrants were politically involved or wanted to be. Absent is an analysis of the importance of the assimilatory process, of the impact of the Slovak background on the next generation, and of the degree to which this background defined their identity and was carried forward. Waves of immigrants sustained many Slovak communities over the years but not all communities survived. The reasons why some failed and disappeared are of interest because they explain the challenges these newcomers faced. Stolarik s failure to include the story of the farming community of Bradlo in Northern Ontario, whose past existence is now marked only by a plaque, although it is probably one of the better documented accounts, was criticised by many Slovak Canadians. To the extent that Stolarik s book purports not just to describe but also to analyse and explain the phenomenon of immigration, this omission is notable. It is indicative of the fact that there is little analysis in this book and this is a major deficiency. From an author who has been involved with and studying the American and Canadian Slovak communities for most of his professional life, one would have expected not just a descriptive, but an analytical, history of Slovak immigration. It will be up to future historians to write it. The Stolarik family story, the third story, makes up a good portion of the narrative and of many photos in the book. Unfortunately, the way it is told may leave the impression for some readers that the author feels that this story is more representative than any other immigrant experience. This is not to say that it is not an interesting story. Had this study of Slovak immigration to North America been organized differently and focused on an analysis Kanadský Slovák - 29. marec 2014 strana 3 Book Review M. Mark Stolarik, Where is my Home? Slovak Immigration to North America (1870-2010) Nájsť v tomto chaotickom svete pevný bod, o ktorý sa dá vnútorne oprieť, môžu Slováci cez hlaholiku. Myslí si to Matica slovenská, ktorá pre záujemcov otvorila v Bratislave Hlaholskú akadémiu. Podľa jej signatárov sa na kurzoch záujemcovia nenaučia len čítať a písať prvé písmo našich predkov, ale získajú aj cenné poznatky z našej národnej histórie. Prihlásiť sa dá aj na jednorazové prednášky po celom Slovensku. Hlaholika, dnes už nepoužívané prvé písmo Slovanov, tvorí základ kultúry a vzdelanosti Veľkej Moravy. Pred 1 150 rokmi ho zostavil Konštantín zo Solúna ako podklad pre najstarší spisovný slovanský jazyk, staroslovienčinu. Tá sa nezapísala len do našich dejín, pretože v roku 868 bola povolená ako štvrtý liturgický jazyk rímskokatolíckej cirkvi. Konštantín so svojím bratom Metodom hlaholiku na veľkomoravskom území ďalej rozvíjali, čím položili základy slovenskej písomnej vzdelanosti. Neskôr sa z nej vyvinuli cyrilika a azbuka. Matica chce ľudí učiť hlaholiku Možnosť prihlásiť sa bezplatne na kurzy hlaholiky ponúka Dom Matice slovenskej v Bratislave od polovice februára. Vyučovať sa začne od apríla do konca mája, dvojhodinové kurzy sa budú konať dvakrát do mesiaca. Podľa Matice slovenskej sú určené pre všetkých, ktorých oslovuje cyrilometodský odkaz a chcú ho ďalej rozvíjať. Študenti sa budú oboznamovať nielen so starobylými písomnými hlaholskými pamiatkami a naučia sa používať aj hlaholiku upravenú na písanie textov v dnešnom slovenskom jazyku. V rámci akadémie majú možnosť ísť aj na exkurziu do Martina, Devína či Nitry. Historik Ján Steinhübel zo Slovenskej akadémie vied hovorí, že kníh písaných hlaholikou sa zachovalo málo. Na vtedajšiu dobu boli písomnosti v hlaholike dosť početné. No ich prevažná väčšina sa zachovala len v neskorších prepisoch najmä v cyrilike. Možno sa dajú prečítať Kyjevské listy alebo nejaké chorvátske texty, ale to je všetko aj v slovenských a českých prekladoch, vysvetľuje. Učiť písmo sa dá z tabuľky a podľa historka to nie je ani príliš náročné. Na Slovensku ho však podľa neho na odbornej úrovni ovláda len pár ľudí, ktorí sa zaoberajú slavistikou. Podľa Steinhübela Matica touto aktivitou skúša, čím ľudí zaujať. Asi je to zasa extravagantný nápad. Je to však na úrovni folklóru. Niekto sa naučí hlaholiku, je tomu rád a môže sa tým pochváliť, konštatuje. Historička práva Katarína Zavacká sa pýta, z čoho kurzy Matica financuje, keďže jej aktivity sú platené aj zo štátneho rozpočtu. Otázkou je, odkiaľ berie Matica peniaze na niečo, čo nikto nebude potrebovať? Pretože to nie je použiteľné a vonkoncom nie pre zvyšovanie národnej hrdosti. Tá hrdosť sa dá podnecovať aj inak, vraví. Daniela Suchá z Domu Matice of its history, the Stolarik family saga, on its own as an addendum or postscript, would have served well as an interesting example of one immigrant story. When Joseph M. Kirschbaum, founder of the Chair of Slovak Culture and History, published Slovaks in Canada in 1967, he paid particular attention to Slovak Canadians who achieved personal success in their adopted country. His book was more descriptive than analytical of Slovak immigration to Canada, yet by these examples, he was emphasizing a basic point, namely that immigration is an experience that combines background, opportunity, and environment. How the immigrant experience turned out depends as much on how individuals dealt with these three factors as on the communities in which they found themselves. For some, the question of immigration was indeed the question Where is my home? (the title of the Czech national anthem); for others, immigration was an opportunity for a new beginning. These two approaches defined the first generation immigrant experience; for the next, it was already different. This is the story of Slovak immigration to the United States and Canada that this book should have told. Stanislav J. Kirschbaum, York University, Glendon College Published in Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes, vol. LV, nos. 3-4, September- December 2013, pp. 553-554. slovenskej tvrdí, že žiadne peniaze na rozbehnutie akadémie nepotrebovali. Hlaholská akadémia je bez finančného rozpočtu, prednášajú tu dobrovoľníci. Rovnako bezplatný je kurz aj pre záujemcov, hovorí. Prihlášky môžu záujemcovia posielať do konca marca, zatiaľ sa podľa nej hlásia jednotlivci z celého Slovenska, dostali však už prihlášku aj od celej školy. Či medzi záujemcami prevažujú odborníci, alebo bežní ľudia, bude môcť zhodnotiť až po uzávierke prihlášok. Na kurzoch budú prednášať signatári akadémie napríklad autorka knihy o hlaholike Elena Šubjaková či teológ Dušan Slivka. Členom akadémie je aj Martin Slaninka, ktorý sa venuje odborným prepisom najstarších hlaholických dokumentov. V tom, ako môže účastník kurzu využiť znalosť hlaholiky, má Suchá jasno. Účastník kurzu nadobudne znalosť histórie vlastného národa, čo samo osebe je veľká devíza, dodala. Lucia Krbatová, Pravda Máte záujem o pekný dom? str. 12 Slovákom sa za prácou cestovať nechce Podľa Stredoeurópskeho inštitútu pre výskum práce Slováci nepreferujú dochádzanie za prácou niekoľko desiatok kilometrov denne. Iba sedem percent ľudí dochádza viac ako hodinu. Na porovnanie napríklad vo Veľkej Británii je to približne 14 percent zamestnaných. Dôvod je jednoduchý. Vysoké cestovné náklady v porovnaní so slovenskými platmi. Mzdy nie sú adekvátne produktivite práce, tvrdí personalista Peter Paška z Proact People. Pracovné agentúry alebo zahraniční investori preto riešia dopravu svojich zamestnancov vlastnými dopravnými prostriedkami. Paška hovorí, že do práce vozia ľudí do vzdialenosti 80 kilometrov. Podobne je na tom Kia Motors Slovakia v Žiline. Pracuje tu 3800 ľudí. Na zvoz zamestnancov využívame 32 priamych autobusových spojov, povedal hovorca spoločnosti Jozef Bačé.

Kanadský Slovák 29. marec 2014 strana 4 Neonacisti verzus neokomunisti Slová sú mnohokrát ako kladivo, ktorým sa masám udiera po hlave. Tie vybrané sa tvoria v hlavách propagandistov zvyčajne podľa potreby niečo zamaskovať. V prípade vojny obe protiľahlé strany ešte pred začiatkom bojov, ale hlavne po ich rozbehnutí, pripravujú drastický príbeh, ktorý má svojou brutalitou vykresliť nepriateľa v najčernejších farbách. K nim sa pridávajú hororové ilustrácie z jeho minulosti a na každej strane tento obraz dopĺňajú srdcervúce zábery plačúcich pozostalých. Potiaľto by sa to možno ešte dalo chápať. Vojna je vojna a jej boje automaticky sprevádza, alebo aj predbieha propaganda namierená nielen na mysle civilného obyvateľstva, ale rovnako aj na vojakov - bojovníkov. Čo sa však zmení v čase, ktorý nazývame mierový? V podstate sa vymenia karty, ale princíp zostáva rovnaký. V európskych povojnových krajinách, ktoré pripadli pod moskovskú diktatúru, sa začalo s dosadzovaním do výroby a poľnohospodárstva iba politicky vhodných kandidátov, ktorí mnohokrát nespĺňali ani základné odborné požiadavky. Následkom tejto politickej Pred tým, než sa na niekoho ukáže prstom, by sa vždy malo zdôrazniť, že tak ako fašizmus rovnako i komunizmus najviac ochromili ľudstvo a dali mu najkrutejšiu ranu. komédie bolo rúcanie sa hospodárstva. Každý sa však bál vyrieknuť slová pravdy. Zaúčinkovala propaganda, ktorá v rôznych jazykoch v krajinách podriadených sovietskemu Rusku s maximálnym tlakom vytrubovala slová ako kulak, imperialista, špión, nacionalista či zradca. Podľa mediálneho masírovania mozgov práve títo ľudia zavinili úpadok, nedostatok tovaru a padajúcu životnú úroveň. Naivnejší uverili a tí ďalší so strachom sklonili hlavu a zdvihli svoj hlas k súhlasu. Je mnoho tých, ktorí si túto dobu pamätajú a osobne okúsili tvrdé následky aj minimálneho odporu. Dajme za týmito časmi bodku. Slovensko - i ďalšie štáty patriace do sféry vplyvu červených zástav - vstúpili na cestu demokracie, lepšie povedané - na poznávanie demokracie. Akési oddelenia propagandy sa však po krátkom čase vynorili v zákulisí tých, ktorí patrili k vyvoleným až do pádu totalitného komunistického systému. Zrazu sa objavilo slovo neofašisti. Ak by sa doň zahrňovali niektorí mladí ľudia hailujúci na akýchsi zrazoch, tak by to bolo opodstatnené, hoci dá sa povedať, že asi máloktorý z nich pozná význam slova fašizmus. Vždy a všade sa našli menšie skupiny zvyčajne mladých ľudí, ktorí časom vyrástli, založili si rodiny a nemali už viac čas na svoje výstrelky. Nie je však namieste, keď celá informačná snaha hádže do jedného vreca každého, koho propagandistická mašinéria označí za neofašistu. Nedávno, na výročie vzniku prvého Slovenského štátu, sa pri tejto príležitosti konali i spomienkové podujatia. Najväčšou odlišnosťou oproti predchádzajúcim rokom bolo, že viac-menej všetky informácie, či už tlačové, televízne alebo rozhlasové, sa snáď po prvý krát zhodli v tom, že vznik štátu bol jedinou záchranou nášho národa pred jeho rozkúskovaním, zničením či skoro istou okupáciou, ktorú, žiaľ, okúsili na vlastnej koži západní susedia Slovenska. Napokon aj proľavičiarski historici uznali tento akt, ako i to, že v podstate nebolo iného východiska. Paradoxne však vyznieva, že každému, kto si chcel uctiť vznik štátu, ktorý, ako uviedol nedávno Kanadský Slovák, nebol ideálny, rovnako ako žiaden iný štát, sa na čelo akoby vypálilo slovo neofašista. Kto sú potom tí, ktorí takticky vtláčajú toto označenie do všetkých možných priamych či nepriamych informácií? Pred tým, než sa na niekoho ukáže prstom, by sa vždy malo zdôrazniť, že tak ako fašizmus rovnako i komunizmus najviac ochromili ľudstvo a dali mu najkrutejšiu ranu. Vlády oboch systémov padli. Ako je však potom možné, že tí, čo vykrikujú slovo neofašisti, nie sú oficiálne označovaní ako neokomunisti. Veď sú to tí, ktorí otvorene propagujú komunistickú doktrínu postavenú na pilieroch vrážd, masového likvidovania a koncentračných táborov - gulagov. Všetky médiá pritom akoby sklopili oči a merajú dvojitým metrom. V Bratislave počas spomienky na vznik Slovenského štátu protestovali novokomunisti. Prevažne tí, ktorých otcovia a dedovia budovali vraždiaci mlyn, mnohokrát si neuvedomiac, že môže zomlieť aj ich samých. Aby tomu predišli, udávali a podkopávali stoličku na šibenici aj tým, ktorých považovali za blízkych. Na zlo aj na jeho propagáciu treba poukázať. Ale nie je na čase, aby vedľa vtlačeného slova neofašista bolo aj slovo neokomunista? Pamätníci červeného teroru iba neveriac krútia hlavou. Veď každý, kto po tzv. páde totality mohol otvorene spoznávať predchádzajúcu hrôzovládu, si musí nad dnešným konaním na Slovensku poklepať na čelo, lebo medzi volebnými kandidátmi bol aj reprezentant komunistickej strany Slovenska. Ján Uher Do Bratislavy privezú časť Berlínskeho múru Vpravo jazdíme presne 75 rokov Jazdu na pravej strane cesty považujeme v našich končinách za samozrejmosť a na spôsob jazdy v krajinách, ako je Veľká Británia, nazeráme skôr ako na extravaganciu. Málokto však vie, že aj v našich končinách sa tradične jazdilo vľavo a Československo veľmi dlho odolávalo zmenám. A práve dnes je tomu presne 75 rokov, čo sa u nás oficiálne jazdí vpravo. nepatrilo medzi ideálne situácie. Značný vplyv na prechod z ľavostrannej na pravostrannú premávku mala údajne aj Veľká francúzska revolúcia. Pred ňou bola ľavá strana vozovky vyhradená šľachte a pravá plebsu. No po revolúcii nemala aristokracia odvahu provokovať ľud výsadnou jazdou vľavo, a tak sa presunula doprava. V panel, ale ovládače na pákach za volantom aj pedále sú však zväčša vo verziách pre trhy s ľavostrannou premávkou identické s našimi. Vľavo sa teda väčšinou nachádza páčka smeroviek, vpravo stierače a pedále začínajú vľavo spojkou, končia vpravo akcelerátorom. Pri manuálnej prevodovke je zachovaná aj schéma radenia rýchlostných stupňov. Udalosť sa uskutoční pri príležitosti spomienky na November '89. Foto: TASR/APBratislava 24. marca (TASR) - Do hlavného mesta SR privezú pri príležitosti spomienky na November '89 časť Berlínskeho múru. TASR o tom informoval dnes zakladateľ bratislavského Múzea zločinov a obetí komunizmu František Neupauer. Múr by mal ostať na Slovensku natrvalo. "Múr by sme chceli na výročie Novembra '89 slávnostne odhaliť," uviedol Neupauer s tým, že v tomto smere sa už uskutočnili rokovania s riaditeľom múzea v Berlíne a so slovenským veľvyslanectvom v Nemecku. Ako dodal, ešte ich čakajú rozhovory s mestom o umiestnení múru. Jednou z alternatív je miesto vedľa múru Nenápadných hrdinov v rámci múzea. Ďalšou možnosťou je Námestie slobody. Múr, ktorý privezú na Slovensko, bude asi štyri metre vysoký a približne dva metre široký. Múzeum otvorilo Občianske združenie Nenápadní hrdinovia v budove Vysokej školy sv. Alžbety na Námestí slobody v Bratislave pred rokom. Ako uviedol Neupauer, hlavnou náplňou nie je zbierať archiválie, ale sprostredkovať mladej generácií stretnutie s tými, ktorí nám prinavrátili slobodu. "Cieľom nášho združenia a múzea je zaznamenať každú jednu obeť totalitného režimu," dodal Neupauer. V súčasnosti je v múzeu výstava o Sviečkovej manifestácii. V utorok 25. marca sprístupnia ďalší priestor a otvoria VI. ročník projektu Nenápadní hrdinovia v zápase s komunizmom. Pravostrannú jazdu priniesol Wehrmacht Prechod z ľavej strany na pravú sa začal rozbitím Československa na Protektorát Čechy a Morava a samostatný Slovenský štát. Vrchný veliteľ nemeckej armády Walther von Brauchitsch vydal výnos, ktorým nariadil okamžitý prechod na pravostrannú organizáciu premávky. Výnos začal platiť u našich západných susedov 17. marca 1939. Slovenský štát štyri dni po svojom vzniku schválil podobné nariadenie a do platnosti vstúpilo presne pred 75 rokmi, 18. marca 1939. História s otáznikmi Na historické dôvody pre jazdu či vľavo neexistuje jednoznačná odpoveď, i keď nájdeme aj zaručené vysvetlenia. Zoberme si drsný stredovek, keď k výbave bojovníka patril kôň a meč. Väčšinou sa zbraň nosila na ľavom boku, tasila sa pravou rukou a v nej až do konca boja obyčajne zostala. V dedinách či mestách tak bolo pohodlnejšie jazdiť vľavo, nakoľko sa znižovalo riziko zranenia okoloidúcich. I keď šľachtica síce zranenie poddaného zaujímať nemuselo, zachytenie zbrane o odev chodca určite Záber na fotografii zo starej Bratislavy jasne ukazuje vozy jazdiace po ľavej strane. Európe prvé pravidlo hovoriace o nutnosti jazdy vpravo zaviedlo Dánsko v roku 1793, o rok neskôr podobné nariadenie vošlo do platnosti v Paríži. V Severnej Amerike, ktorá bola kolóniou Veľkej Británie, sa taktiež jazdilo vľavo. Po osamostatnení však chceli dať noví Američania jasne najavo svoju nezávislosť, a tak premávku presunuli z ľavej na pravú stranu. Prvým uzákonením z roku 1792 sa môže pochváliť štát Pennsylvania. Rozdiely medzi ľavo- a pravostranným riadenímautomobily s pravostranným riadením mávajú zrkadlovo otočený prístrojový Jazdou po tej ktorej strane je prispôsobené aj osvetlenie vozidla. Stretávacie svetlá sú nastavené tak, aby viac osvetľovali okraj cesty. Preto ak jazdíte napríklad na Slovensku s autom z Veľkej Británie, je možné, že na vás protiidúci vodiči budú hromžiť. V takomto prípade sa zvyknú svetlomety prelepovať špeciálnou páskou, ktorá oslňovanie vozidiel v protismere eliminuje. Niektoré moderné vozidlá majú v nastaveniach možnosť prispôsobiť svetlá pravidlám danej krajiny. (krátené) Soňa Zverková AUTO MOTO

Olympijský víťaz v boxe Ján Zachara: Čím šokoval farára? Box je najjemnejší šport. Ako jediný sa robí v rukavičkách, hovorí boxer Ján Zachara, víťaz olympiády v Helsinkách v roku 1952. Hoci mal už jeden infarkt, naďalej športuje. Kanadský Slovák - 29. marec 2014 strana 5 Rok som sa ich nedotkol. Bál som sa, že si po ne prídu z daňového úradu. A ja dlžoby nemám rád. Keď dostanem nejaký šek, hneď to utekám zaplatiť na poštu. Som však rád, že si na mňa spomenuli, - odvetil bývalý boxer Ján Zachara na otázku, čo spravil s finančnou pomocou od nadácie Aby hviezdy nehasli. Olympijský víťaz z Helsínk 1952 má dnes osemdesiatpäť rokov. Žije skromne s dcérou v útulnom dome v Novej Dubnici. On na prízemí, dcéra na poschodí. Peniaze z nadácie, ktorú založila tenistka Dominika Cibulková a má za cieľ podporovať bývalých úspešných športovcov, boli pre neho veľkým prekvapením. Žiadne veľké nákupy však za ne nechystal. Čo mne už v mojom veku môže chýbať? Len aby mi zdravie vydržalo, vraví skromne legenda slovenského športu. Bicykluje každé ráno Mal už jeden infarkt, naďalej však športuje. Samozrejme, v rámci možností. Každé ráno jazdím pätnásť minút na stacionárnom bicykli, dole do Dubnice chodím trénovať, ba aj si zacvičím s tamojšími dôchodkyňami. Ony mávajú besedy alebo niečo varia, no vždy na začiatku desať-pätnásť minút cvičia. Tak sa k nim pridám. Som tam najstarší, ale som s nimi rád, vraví Zachara a ponúka nás ovocným čajom. Nie sme v obyčajnom príbytku dôchodcu. Poháre, taniere a iné trofeje v sekretári či na poličke pripomínajú, akým veľkým pästiarom Zachara bol. Výsledkami, nie postavou. Nikdy som neoplýval silou, vždy som staval na ľahkosti nôh, technike. Pre mňa je box dodnes šport blízky tenisu. Až na to, že tam sa bije len do loptičky, smeje sa deviaty najlepší športovec Slovenska v dvadsiatom storočí. Aj farár v Kubrej, dedine, ktorá splynula s Trenčínom, sa vraj čudoval, keď so svojou celoživotnou láskou Annou Durasovou za ním Zachara prišiel vybavovať sobáš. Vedel, že má za ním prísť boxer, tak čakal, že ma budú plné dvere. A potom zbadal mňa, smeje sa Zachara, no vzápätí zvážnie. Už je na svete sám, manželka na neho vyše roka dáva pozor len zhora. Chýba mi, nemôžem si zvyknúť. Žili sme spolu šesťdesiattri rokov. Už jej Kultový model od Škody 1000 MB bol prvým československým autom, ktoré sa v roku 1964 začalo sériovo vyrábať v obrovských závodoch s viac ako 40 halami. V spoľahlivom autíčku sa navyše učilo jazdiť niekoľko generácií Slovákov, ktorým sa embéčka vryla hlboko do pamäti. Ladné línie legendárneho modelu však mohli obdivovať napríklad aj na Novom Zélande a v Austrálii, kam sa embéčka masovo vyvážala. Milovníkov motorov v roku 1964 potešila pokroková technológia tlakového liatia hliníka. nikdy nevrátim to, čo mi v živote dala, smúti. Ochorela v sedemdesiatom prvom. Štyridsaťjeden rokov som sa jej snažil pomáhať. Najskôr mala nádor ma mozgu a hoci nebol zhubný, po operácii jej narušili stabilitu. Neskôr jej zistili leukémiu. Už sa jej nedalo pomôcť, vylieva si boxer ubolené srdce. Najskôr miery, potom letenku Slovenský šport má málo takých džentlmenov ako on. A to mu osud kládol pod nohy neustále prekážky. V štyridsiatom ôsmom bol ako člen družstva ŠK Baťovany - dnešné Partizánske - hviezdou československého ringu. Namiesto neho však na olympiádu do Londýna poslali funkcionára, ktorý neskôr emigroval. Sklamanie už Zacharu prebolelo, no dodnes s trpkým úsmevom dodáva: Najskôr mi vzali miery, potom letenku. O štyri roky neskôr na hry do Helsínk už ako vojak a člen ATK Praha letel. No len vďaka pomoci Júliusa Tormu, slovenského boxera narodeného v Budapešti, olympijského víťaza z Londýna 1948. Ak nepôjde Jano, nepôjdem ani ja, povedal Torma. Tak funkcionári sklopili hlavy a Zacharu poslali súťažiť. Na pokriky na zväze, že na to nemám, si stále pamätám. Keď som vyhral, tak sa tí istí ľudia nehanbili povedať - my jsme věděli, že Pre tých, čo si niečo pamätajú Odvaha vtedajších technikov zariskovať s motorom vzadu, pohonom zadných kolies, nezávislým zavesením všetkých kolies a samonosnou karosériou sa to ten kluk umí, krúti hlavou. So svätým Antonkom zašitým do trenírok, ktorého mu z pútnického miesta Skalka pri Trenčíne doniesla sestra rok pred hrami, bil pred šesťdesiatimi dvoma rokmi vo Fínsku súpera za súperom. To už súťažil v perovej váhe do 57 kilogramov a navyše ako čerstvý otec. Pár mesiacov pred hrami sa mu narodila dcéra Marianna. Na popularitu si nepotrpím, ja mám len jedno krédo - svetská sláva, poľná tráva. Nikdy som od nikoho nechcel, aby okolo mňa skákal. Zachara stihol aj olympiádu v Melbourne 1956, no tam ho vo štvrťfinále poslal domov Fín Hämäläinen. Chodili sme do tehelne pomáhať tehliarskym deťom miesiť blato nohami. Vyhrnuli sme si trenírky a šliapali. Vtedy ešte žiadne stroje neboli. A za odmenu sme si potom mohli zahrať futbal s tenisovou loptičkou. Ale tú sme si museli ukradnúť. Počkať, kým nepriletí nejaká z neďalekých tenisových dvorcov, vraví dubnický dôchodca. Ešte aj dnes si navlieka na ruky pästiarske rukavice. Hoci už, prirodzene, neboxuje. Zahrešíš, drepuješ: Pre dubnický dorast je stále autoritou, pred ktorou sa v tamojšej telocvični boja zahrešiť. (krátené) Pluska.Rastislav Hríbik Foto: Tony Štefunko Čože je to päťdesiatka! Prvá Škoda1000 MB oslavuje jubileum vyplatila. Zo Škody 1000 MB sa stal bestseller a automobilka vyrobila od apríla 1964 do augusta 1969 viac ako 443-tisíc týchto vozidiel. Viac ako polovicu z nich pritom vyviezli do zahraničia. Spoľahlivosť a sebavedomie na cestách získala embéčka vďaka intenzívnemu testovaniu pred spustením výroby, pri ktorom 50 áut najazdilo viac ako 1,6 milióna kilometrov. Okrem klasického sedanu vznikla aj športová verzia a kupé MBX, ktoré je dnes ceneným zberateľským kúskom. Technické parametre Výkon: 27 kw (37 k)* Objem motora: 988 cm3 Objem batožinového priestoru: 220 litrov Rozmery: dĺžka 4,17 m, šírka 1,62 m, výška 1,39 m Hmotnosť: 755 kg Spotreba: 7 8 litrov/100 km Maximálna rýchlosť: 120 km/h Cena: 44-tisíc Kčs Mama má Emu a Ema má mamu Pre prváčikov prečítať a pochopiť tieto slová zo šlabikára býva v ich školských začiatkoch krkolomná práca. Pre dospelých to znie jednoducho a diskutovať o tom im môže pripadať aj dosť naivné. Ak sa však pozrieme dozadu, môžeme spozorovať, že viackrát sa nám na prvý pohľad zdalo niečo inak, ako tomu v skutočnosti bolo. Pred niekoľkými rokmi som svojej ctenej priateľke ťažko dokazoval, že vianočné vydanie Kanadského Slováka nezmenilo svoju formu a že je to iba optický klam. Prvá strana mala zvislé články a to budilo dojem zmeny veľkosti strany. Podobná situácia nastala, keď bol uverejnený článok o zlobe Stalina. Bola k nemu publikovaná aj klasická ilustračná fotografia zobrazujúca krutovládcu v uniforme. Prváčik nad mamou a jej Emou rozmýšľa. Niektorí čitatelia si bez najmenšieho uváženia, alebo dokonca i prečítania článku, spravili radikálny záver. Zmraštili čelá a napadli ma ako prívrženca Stalina... Veď som uverejnil jeho fotografiu... Pomyslel som si svoje a mnohí spolu so mnou nad tým krútili hlavami. Nemusíme všetkému rozumieť, ani sa nám nemusí páčiť všetko, čo je napísané. Ale vždy je lepšie nerobiť predčasné úsudky. Neznamená to samozrejme, že by sme mali mať rovnaké názory a jednostranne kývať hlavou. Ale ak napríklad niekto nerozumie maliarskemu smeru kubizmus, nemal by o ňom tvrdiť, že nejestvuje alebo že je to vyložená hlúposť. Kanadský Slovák sú malé noviny. V niečom dokonca až rodinné, lebo informačne spájajú našu pospolitosť. Ak spravia chybu, alebo sa niekomu nezapáči ten či onen článok, ihneď hromžia na redaktora. Tí, ktorí čítajú rozsiahle denníky, ako je napríklad Toronto Star či Globe, ak s niečím nesúhlasia, iba otočia stranu, prípadne napíšu redakcii svoj názor. A život ide ďalej, čitatelia pokračujú v ich odoberaní a čítajú tú sekciu, ktorá im vyhovuje. Prváčikom sa pekne a pomaly vysvetľuje, že ak má mama Emu, musí mať aj Ema mamu. Nakoniec to pochopia a skáču od radosti nad svojou chytrosťou. No a pre starších by možno mohlo platiť: Dvakrát meraj a raz strihaj. Lebo tvrdé neuvážené slovo často zabolí viac ako priama rana. Julo Behul

Kanadský Slovák 29. marec 2014 strana 6 When strolling through Hviezdoslavovo Námestie, it is easy to be swept away in the square s tranquil atmosphere and lovely historical buildings. The tree-lined, cobblestoned promenade is irresistible, while the castle in the distance beckons from its majestic hilltop setting. But suddenly, the square ends and you are standing at the side of a busy freeway. To the left, a suspension bridge crossing the Danube is capped by something resembling a flying saucer from a 1950s sci-fi film. Directly below the road is a noisy, graffiti-encrusted bus depot. Looking over the traffic to the right, you start wondering how you re supposed to reach the castle on the other side. You wouldn t be the first to stand at this odd collision of old and new, and wonder, What the hell happened here? The changing face of Bratislava It is clear to anyone who has spent time in Bratislava that the ancient city straddling the Danube possesses many charms. Yet Bratislava sometimes gets brief and ambivalent write-ups in major travel guides, and tourists visit the city for more than a day. One explanation for this apparent neglect is that the communists really worked Bratislava over, using it as a testing-ground for creating a model, modernised communist city. Unfortunately, this was done with a pathological disregard for the city s rich history, and large swaths of Bratislava s historical sections were demolished and redeveloped as the communists saw fit. It has been said that Bratislava suffered more damage under communism than during Second World War, and that a third of its historical centre was destroyed. Many travellers come to Europe to revel in its stunning old world charm, but sadly find much of Bratislava either ruined or absent entirely. Roughly a quarter of Bratislava s Staré Mesto (Old Town) was bulldozed in the late 1960s for a single project: the Most SNP (SNP Bridge known also as the Nový Most New Bridge), and the short stretch of freeway connected to it, called Staromestská. Dubbed the UFO Bridge for its obvious scifi aesthetic, it is a major artery, bringing traffic across the Danube, in and out of the Staré Mesto, while Staromestská links the bridge with the busy intersection just north of the historical centre. To make space for this development, much of the city s centuries-old, historical Jewish quarter was razed, including the 19th-century Moorish-styled Neolog Synagogue. The freeway itself ploughed a deep scar through the western edge of the historical centre, and now runs less than four metres from the façade of St Martin s Cathedral, Bratislava s largest, most historically significant church. If [the freeway] were any closer, it would go through the nave, noted the travel writer Rick Steves. Although the Most SNP could be seen as practical planning, it is difficult to deny the devastating effect it had on the Staré Mesto s history and urban fabric. The bridge and freeway clash with their centuries old historical surroundings, and an estimated 230 buildings were demolished. The freeway isolates Bratislava Castle from the original medieval centre, and it claimed half of the once bustling Rybné Námestie and nearly all of its buildings, which were as striking as any in the Staré Mesto today. Adding insult to injury, the cathedral s foundations had to be restored to protect them from the vibrations of the traffic that rumbles constantly by. From its inception in 1599, the Jewish quarter evolved around Židovská Street. This strip of land between the castle and the walled medieval centre was the only place Jews in Bratislava could legally live until 1848. All of the buildings along Židovská s eastern side were demolished to make room for the freeway, while most of the buildings along its western side were replaced by modern residential structures. One of the neighbourhood s few surviving historical buildings currently houses the Museum of Jewish Culture. Aside from the museum, the only thing to indicate that a Jewish neighbourhood thrived here for centuries is a monument to Jews who perished in the holocaust, erected in what remains of Rybné Námestie where the synagogue stood, along with an engraving of the synagogue on an adjacent black marble slab. So, how did the communists justify demolishing a historically significant Jewish quarter? As in much of central Europe, Slovakia was a dreadful place for Jews during the Second World War. Roughly three quarters of the pre-war Jewish population were killed, and many of the 30,000 who survived emigrated to the US, Israel, and elsewhere. By the war s end, Jewish boroughs throughout Slovakia were largely deserted. When the communists seized power in 1948, the regime s hostility towards Jews dealt a further blow to the dwindling population. Many of the deserted Jewish neighbourhoods fell into disrepair. In some towns one can still see old abandoned synagogues, either boarded up and languishing or re-purposed into storerooms, workshops or even art galleries. Bratislava s Jewish quarter was similarly derelict, leaving it more vulnerable to the wrecking ball. While many locals were not keen on flattening the Jewish quarter, the repressive regime choked off any dissent. People were unable to protest, says Viera Kamenická from the Museum of Jewish Culture. Their hands were tied. Besides, the communists preferred creating their own monuments over saving older ones that conflicted with their ideology, Kamenická added. The communists didn t stop with Židovská. In 1961, a towering orthodox synagogue behind the castle on Zámocká Street was levelled and replaced by nondescript retail and office spaces. A hulking, aesthetically incongruous extension was erected over the front of the Slovak National Gallery s Water Barracks building, masking its arcaded 19th century façade and tree-lined courtyard. Bratislava s main train station was hidden behind a characterless 1980s add-on. The list goes on. Even in the pre-communist 1940s, the city flirted with a plan to demolish the castle, Bratislava s most iconic historical landmark. A fire in 1811 had left it a hollowed out ruin for more than a century, but eventually planners opted for reconstruction instead. However, maintaining old structures requires active preservation and money. Several church-owned buildings at one end of historical Kapitulská Street appear on the verge of collapse, with sagging roofs and crumbling, graffiti-covered fasçades. These buildings, like most church-owned property, were seized by the state during communism, and neglected for 40 years. Although the buildings barely survived the regime, they may not survive the elements if the neglect continues. The church reportedly lacks the money to restore them, but seems reluctant to sell the property to developers. While saving these buildings could prove prohibitively costly, is it right to let them deteriorate? One suspects there would be no shortage of bids for this prime real estate. Obviously, urban renewal is not exclusive to Bratislava. From Baron Haussmann carving grand boulevards out of Paris narrow mediaeval lanes, to American cities demolishing countless beaux-arts and art deco cinemas to make way for parking garages and strip malls, urban areas have always been reshaped and updated to serve the needs of growing populations. Unfortunately, this has often come at the expense of unique and irreplaceable historical structures. In Europe, however, there is growing interest in preserving historical areas, partly because they attract droves of money-spending tourists, eager to step back in time and escape the mundane settings of their own lives. An ever-growing list of protected UNESCO world heritage sites is proof of this. But while today many people agree on the importance of preserving what remains of Bratislava s historical centre, battles are currently being waged to prevent post-war communist-era landmarks, once objects of ridicule, from being torn down. One such landmark, the 1970s-era Hotel Kyjev and Tesco s My Bratislava (formerly Prior) complex, is now considered a jewel of modern communist architecture, with its sleek, travertine marble exterior and stylish, retro-modern interior. However, when the UK-based Lordship Developers purchased the complex in 2006, they unveiled plans to demolish the hotel and adjacent buildings to make way for a vast complex of hotels, offices and retail shops. The plans were met with protests from the architectural community and general public, who pleaded with the city to preserve the hotel. But firm plans have still not been released. The hotel closed in November 2011 and the developers are apparently still locked in discussions with the city and monuments board over zoning regulations. When contacted by Spectacular Slovakia in 2012, Lordship released a statement that read: In our optimal vision the new site should unify all buildings at the Kamenné Námestie the Kyjev Hotel, the shopping centre as well as new buildings. The revitalised square... must offer a mix of entertainment, services, gastronomy, offices and residential areas; each of these components is equally important in reviving the centre. Whether the company s optimal vision will preserve the hotel s retro-futuristic aesthetic remains to be seen, but any unification with the existing Tesco store could result in a modern Eurovea-style shopping centre in this area. It is difficult to determine where Hotel Kyjev will fit, particularly in its current form. Maik Novotny, a Vienna-based architect and co-author of Eastmodern, maintains there are several other buildings that have been and still are at risk of demolition or insensitive reconstruction. In some cases, [they] are difficult to adapt and expensive to maintain. And although appreciation of these buildings seems to have improved slightly, given Slovakia s economic climate, the risk still persists. In light of this, one has to wonder whether anyone has learned from the mistakes that scarred the city in the past. With new office high rises and shopping centres sprouting like weeds, this remains a valid concern. It would be a shame for Hotel Kyjev to exist only as an engraving on a plaque near where it used to stand. Unless the city can welcome new development without sacrificing the old, the cycle of destruction will continue. Jeff Whiteaker Regional News This article was published in the latest edition of Bratislava City Guide SLOVENSKÁ REŠTAURÁCIA Licensed under LLBO 448 Browns Line, Etobicoke, Ontario (corner of Browns Line & Horner) www.libasbarandgrill.com Tel.: (416) 255-3179 Špeciality domácej kuchyne www. kanadsky slovak.ca

THE CZECHO-SLO- VAK LEGION IN CANADA, 1920 by Ernie Bies A friend sent me a link to a photo that showed a large contingent of soldiers on a railway station platform. Someone had hand-written Slovak Troops Passing Cochrane Ont. on the face of the card. Being familiar with the history of Slovaks in Northern Ontario, I was not aware of any circumstances that could explain this scene. Friends pointed me in the direction of the Czecho-Slovak Legion, a volunteer army fighting for the Allied cause in Russia, and their repatriation from Vladivostok, Siberia in 1920. Some of these Legionnaires crossed Canada on their way home to their newly formed country of Czechoslovakia. Although my parents had come to Canada from Czechoslovakia in the 1930s and settled in Bradlo, a Slovak community near Hearst, the history of the Czecho- Slovak Legion was new to me, but not for long allow them to join the fight on the side of the Allies. The long term goal was to gain support from the Allies for their new country and to develop an army to protect it. Štefánik, a world renowned astronomer who became an aviator in the French Army and quickly rose to the rank of general, was instrumental in convincing France to support fighting units in both France and Italy. Since non citizens could not join the French army, these units became part of the French Foreign Legion. Their uniforms were distinguished by their caps and ultimately the units became known as Legionnaires. Early in 1917 Russia agreed to release the POWs to join the rapidly expanding Czecho-Slovak Legion and soon it boasted a fighting force of 70,000 battle-hardened men under the command of French General Maurice Janin. France and the Allies provided financial support and military equipment. The Legion soon secured the entire 8,000 mile length of Trans- Siberian railway but at the cost of doing Zlatý Bažant v predajniach LCBO Kanadský Slovák -29. marec 2014 strana 7 www. kanadskyslovak.ca THE CZECHO-SLOVAK LEGION During World War I, Tomáš Masaryk, Eduard Beneš and Milan Rastislav Štefánik, the founding fathers of Czecho- Slovakia, formed a government in exile. They lobbied Britain, France, America and Russia for recognition and for funding for their cause. Masaryk and Štefánik travelled to Russia to convince the government to release Czech and Slovak POWs who had fought on the Austrian side and constant battle with the Red Army. With the end of the war on November 11, 1918, the Legion thought they were homeward bound but, because of the unsettled state of the Russian government, the Allies requested that they maintain order over the Trans-Siberian railway. In the meantime the Red Army was gaining in strength and numbers and winning back some of the key positions. Continued on page 11

Kanadský Slovák 29. marec 2014 strana 8 Príde Indián na matriku: - Chcel by som si zmeniť meno. - A ako sa voláte? - Dlhý nákladný vlak, ktorý na každej stanici zatrúbi trikrát. - A ako sa chcete volať? - Tutúút. Farár v kostole oddáva cigánsky pár. Farár hovorí: - Opakuj po mne. Beriem si ťa, Araňa, za svoju manželku. A Deži hovorí: - Aj ja. Medzi známymi: -Predstav si Jano, včera mi ukradli úplne nové auto aj s manželkou. A aby neštastia nebolo dosť, manželka sa už dnes vrátila. Chlapec s oteckom stoja pred horiacim domom a po chvíli sa synček spýta otecka: - Ocko, nebude tá praženica už hotová? Suseda hovorí susede: Je to smutné, že váš prvý manžel, tak skoro zomrel. Áno, áno, to hovorí aj môj druhý manžel. Pred saunou sú na vešiakoch zavesené šaty a niekoľko mobilov. Zrazu jeden z nich zazvoní. Zodvihne ho starší pán, ktorý práve vychádzal zo sauny: - Áno, to som ja miláčik. Po chvílke odpovedá: - A koľko stojí ten kožuch? 10.000 tisíc? Môžeš si ho kúpiť, samozrejme. Čo? Za 3.000 náušnice pre mamu? Pravdaže ich môžeš kúpiť! To je v poriadku! Po ukončení rozhovoru vojde s mobilom do sauny s otázkou: - Chlapi, koho je tento mobil? Žena kričí na muža: - Dušan, koľkokrát som ťa prosila, aby si v posteli nefajčil! Nie že prepáliš plachtu! - Plachta, plachta - uľaví si muž. Ale že ja si ničím zdravie, to ti je jedno! Ide misionár po púšti a oproti nemu lev. Misionár: - Ó Pane, daj tomuto levovi kresťanské cítenie. Lev zrazu zdvihne laby k nebu a hovorí: - Ďakujem ti Pane, za toto jedlo, ktoré teraz požívať budem. Všetci policajti dostali nové digitálne hodinky. A chodec sa pýta policajta: - Pán policajt, koľko je hodín? - Jedenásť deleno dvatsať tri. Ale nemám čas, tak si to vypočítaj sám. Počul som, že keď si bol dieťaťom, bol si veľmi pekný! - To áno. - A čo sa ti stalo? Na hraničnom priechode sa pýta muž colníka: - Pane, je možné vyvážať zlato do Francúzska? - Samozrejme. No v primeranom množstve, - odpovie colník. - A stodesať kilogramov je primerané množstvo? - Tak to určite nie! - V tom prípade, - obráti sa muž k manželke, - zlato moje, zostávaš doma. - Pán doktor je to pravda, že už nemám tuberkulózu? Je to pravda, že ste ma úplne vyliečili? - Je to pravda. Ste absolútne zdravá milá slečna. Ab-so-lútne! - Pán doktor, dovoľte, nech vás za to pobozkám. - Noo... ehm... nie, netreba... Jožo hovorí: - Hovorili ste, že svadobná noc bude krásna, ale celú noc som sa pozeral z okna, ale nič zaujímavé som tam nevidel. Počas protialkoholickej kampane Gorbačova lekár na osvetovej besede demonštruje škodlivosť alkoholu: - Všimnite si, prosím, v tomto pohári je čistá voda, hodím do nej červíka a on sa čulo pohybuje. Teraz ho vyberiem a vložím do pohára s alkoholom. Červík sa pohybuje pomaly, až napokon zdochne. Čo to znamená? Prihlási sa dedko: - Máte pravdu, pán doktor, ja už 60 rokov pijem alkohol a červíkov som ešte nemal. V lietadle sa rozprávajú dvaja páni: - Viete, vždy keď letím lietadlom, tak sa stane niečo zlé! Zrazu príde letuška a hovorí: - Milí cestujúci, lietadlo padá do mora, ale nebojte sa, každý z vás dostane píšťalu a tou odoženiete žralokov! A ten pán: - No, nehovoril som? A buď dostanem zlú píšťalku, alebo natrafím na hluchého žraloka! Na policajnej akadémii sa robia ústne skúšky. Prvý nádejný policajt ide dnu a o hodidu vyjde von celkom zničený. Všetci sa okolo neho nahrnú a už sa ho pýtajú: - Tak čo, bolo to ťažké? - Veľmi. Také otázky sa ma pýtali, o ktorých som nikdy nepočul. - Povedz aspoň jednu! - Nuž, pýtali sa na hlavné mesto Ruska. - A čo, vedel si? - Áno, Moskva! Ten, čo ide hneď po ňom si túto odpoveď napíše na kúsok papiera, a papierik vloží nenápadne do topánok. Vojde dnu a už ho aj zahrňujú otázkami. Asi po pol hodine sa ho opýtajú, ako sa volá hlavné mesto Ruska. Nenápadne si vloží ruku do topánok, pozrie sa a zo sebaistým úsmevom povie: - Partizánske! OUR NEW ADDRESS : 600 SHERbOURNE ST. TORONTO SUITE 301 TORONTO ON M4X 1W4 OUR NEW ADDRESS : 600 SHERbOURNE ST. TORONTO SUITE 301 TORONTO ON M4X 1W4 Zatelefonujte, alebo pošlite E- Mail :agatha@intertravel.ca alebo intertravel@rogers.com International Travel 600 Sherburne St. Suite 301 Toronto ON M4X 1W4 Tel.: 416-922 7775, Fax: 416-9229043, Cell: 416-939 - 6118 Toll Free: 1-877 - 922 8775 Od roku 1983 SLOVAK TRANSLATIONS Mgr. Eva Brejová Oficiálne preklady, tlmočenie, sekretárske služby Translator-Interpreter-Secretary www.evabeva.com slovaktranslations@evabeva.com (416) 762 8223 Prevoz na Slovensko 20 ROKOV SKúSENOSTí Objednávka na predplatné/subscription Form 1 rok $75.00 do Kanady/1 Year $75.00 in Canada ($100.00 do Spojených štátov/united States - $100.00 ~ $140.00 do iných krajín/other countries - $140.00) Osobné predplatné na/personal Subscription 1 rok/1 year 2 roky/ 2 years 3 roky/3 years Meno/Name Adresa/Address Mesto/City Provincia/Province Poštový kód/postal Code Štát/Country Telefón/Telephone E-mail (Pre vnútornú korešpondenciu / For internal correspondence only) Predplatné ako dar na/gift Subscription 1 rok/1 year 2 roky/ 2 years 3 roky/3 years Meno/Name Adresa/Address Mesto/City Provincia/Province Poštový kód/postal Code Štát/Country Prikladám sumu/ Enclosed is the sum of $ (Vystavte šek na Kanadský Slovák)/ (Cheque payable to The Canadian Slovak) Pošlite na adresu/mail to Kanadský Slovák, 259 Traders Blvd. East, Suite 6, Mississauga ON L4Z 2E5

Kanadský Slovák - 29. marec 2014 strana 9 Planning a trip to Europe? Better make sure your passport is valid at least three months past your return date to Canada. If it isn t, you could get turned away. A regulation that went into affect July 19, 2013 requires non-eu nationals to present travel documents that are valid for at least three months after the departure date rom the European country. That means that if you re planning to return from your trip on September 1st, your passport needs to be valid until at least December 1st. If this is the first time you are hearing about this policy, you are not alone. However, this lack of information is bound to impact people s travel plans. And there really is no faster way to ruin a vacation than to be denied entry into a country. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland have implemented the regulation. However, it does not apply to the United Kingdom or Ireland, as they are not part of the Schengen Agreement. www.kanadskyslovak.ca Citizens of Canada can refer to: www.passport.gc.ca for forms and instructions for new passport applications and Canadian passport renewal. Travel outside the EU: The EU isn t the only area to place entry and exit restrictions on its visitors. While Canadians going to Cuba need a passport valid on arrival, visitors headed to different countries must hold a passport valid for at least three or six months after their intended stay. If you are not sure about your destination s entry and exit regulation, log onto the Government of Canada s Travel website and simply type in the name of the country you are headed to. You will find a wealth of information including visa and passport regulations and travel advisories. Being prepared ahead of time will ensure smooth, worry-free travel. Prepared by: Agatha Rondzik, International Travel Iba za niekoľko dolárov týždenne... SLOVENSKÁ REŠTAURÁCIA Licensed under LLBO Špeciality domácej kuchyne Tel.: (416) 255-3179 448 Browns Line, Etobicoke, Ontario (corner of Browns Line & Horner) www.libasbarandgrill.com UNLIMITED RENO INC. 14 Princess of Wales Court Toronto, Ontario, M9B 6H5 Te.: (416) 237 1570 Cell: (416) 571 7704 Fax: (416) 239 7984 Peter M.Jakabek Space for your private or business card $300 per year Mike Marian Masar MASTER PLUMBER 24 HOUR SERVICE TEL.: (905) 469 1236 FAX: (905) 469 1174 2083 Seafare Drive, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 1P5 plumber@bwm-services.com www.plumberservice.com Foil Stamping Foil Embossing Blind Embossing Debossing Die Cutting Multi level Foil Embossing Multi level Blind Embossing Letter Press and Offset Printing Karol Andrassy info@azprinters.com A-Z Printers Ltd. 61-556 Edward Avenue Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 9Y5 Tel.: (905) 780-8680 Fax: (905) 780-8682 Miesto pre vašu osobnú či firemnú kartu $ 300- za rok Soundscape Studios Music Lessons For Children & Adullts Guitar Trumpet Bass Trombone Violin Tuba Saxophone Keybords Musical Entertainment For Every Occasion By Miro 416 543 9171 mirol@sympatico.ca MOVING & DELIVERY SERVICES GARbAGE REMOVAL

Kanadský Slovák 29. marec 2014 strana 10 Our Boys in the NHL Team pos GP G A Pts Marian Hossa CHI R 61 25 29 54 Paul Stastny * COL C 60 20 28 48 Andrej Sekera CAR D 69 11 33 44 Zdeno Chara BOS D 68 16 19 35 Tomáš Tatar DET L 61 15 13 28 Andrej Meszároš BOS D 45 6 15 21 Marian Gaborik LA R 30 8 10 18 Tomáš Kopecky FLA R 49 4 8 12 Michal Handzus CHI C 51 4 10 12 Ľubo Višňovský NYI D 28 3 8 11 Richard Panik TBL R 45 2 9 11 Tomáš Jurčo DET R 26 5 5 10 Martin Marinčin EDM D 34 0 3 3 Sport Shorts The Good Angels will not be joining the Final Eight of the Womens Basketball EuroLeague in Ekatarinaburg in April. The Kosice Basketball team lost their third match of the best of three series 67 57 against Tango Bourges in Bourges France. The Angels were hoping to repeat and improve on last year s success when they made the final eight and finished an impressive fourth overall. Martin Škrtel, captain of the Slovak National team scored two goals in one game for the second time this season as FC Liverpool won 6-3 in Cardiff City in the British Premier League. In February the 29 year old Handlova native scored two goals in Liverpool s win over Arsenal. Peter Sagan won the points classification trophy at the Tirreno Adriatico races in Italy. The overall winner was Mark Cavendish of Great Britain, racing for the Omega Pharma-Quick Step team. Meanwhile, Peter Velits, the other Slovak cycling star, finished an impressive ninth at the Paris-Nice races in France. Days later, at the Milan San Remo "Spring Classic", Sagan was in the lead group for the entire race but could not hang on for the final sprint and placed tenth. The annual cycle race between Milan and Sanremo is the longest professional one-day race at 298 km. Last year, the 24 year old from Zilina finished second. Goalies GP Sav.% GAA Jaroslav Halak WAS 47.920 2.21 Peter Budaj MTL 21.907 2.50 *Canadian-born, USA citizen of Slovak origin Notes Tomáš Jurčo of the Detroit Red Wings is still out of action with a broken rib. Tomáš Kopecký of the Florida Panthers is out indefinitely and will probably miss the rest of the season with a concussion. Florida s chances of making the playoffs are virtually nil. Ľubomir Višňovský of the New York Islanders is out indefinitely with an upper body injury. Handzuš Reaches Milestone Volkswagen Workers Brace for Strike Over Pay NEWS demonstration in Slovakia was of a similar importance as the Palach week in the Czech Republic in January 1989, the unsuccessful demonstration in China in the spring of 1989 or the march in the German city of Leipzig in the autumn of 1989. All these events lead to the fall of the Berlin wall and to our freedom, says Neupauer. get the situation back to normal; hence I consider the approach of their intensification to be correct. We can't turn a blind eye to the redrawing of maps in Europe without approval from the countries concerned... that warrants a response. It's our priority to respond diplomatically and through political talks, said Lajčák. Michal Handzuš played his 1000th game in the NHL on Thursday, March 20th, as the Chicago Blackhawks took on the St. Louis Blues, the team with which he began his NHL career in 1998. Before the game, the packed United Centre Arena showed their appreciation with great applause as the 37 year old veteran from Banska Bytrica was awarded a silver hockey stick, a plaque, and a portrait created by local artist Jerry Tibstra. For the presentation, the quiet, humble Handzuš was joined by his wife Zusana, son Tomáš, mother Elena, and sister Dagmar. The Slovak defenseman was acquired by Chicago in April of 2013, just in time for the playoffs. He was instrumental in their capture of the Stanley Cup, proving himself indispensable for his prowess in winning face-offs. Slovak vs Slovak On Friday, March 21st Slovak skater Marián Gáborík took his place at centre ice in the post-overtime shootout to decide the match between the Los Angeles Kings and the Washington Capitals. Determined to keep him from scoring was his Slovak National Team mate Jaroslav Halák, wearing the jersey of the Capitals. The speedy Slovak winger slipped the puck past the Slovak goalie to win the game for Los Angeles. Both Gáborík and Halák were acquired by their new teams just hours before the NHL trading deadline on March 4th; Gaborik was traded from the Columbus Blue Jackets and Halak from St. Louis by way of Buffalo. The duo have become a vital part of their new teams as the battles to qualify for the Stanley Cup Playoffs intensify. New Team New Mask The first masks worn my NHL netminders were designed exclusively for protection from the blistering slapshots of opposing forwards. Canadian goalie of Ukrainian descent Terry Sawchuk received more than 600 stitches in his face after 14 seasons in the NHL before he started wearing a mask. The first goalie masks have evolved into today s works of art, and some are even adorned with images intended to intimidate the opponent. Recently Slovak Jaroslav Halák had to come up with a new mask design as he took up duties with his new NHL team, the Washington Capitals. In the design, he opted for simplicity and elegance, portraying his team identity and as well as his own. The sides of the mask depict a bald-headed eagle and three stars, the logo of the Washington Capital NHL team. The chin features three big stars on either side of the Capitol building. Really, a very American mask for a team in America's headquarters, if you will. On the back of the mask Halak pays tribute to his home nation of Slovakia with the Slovak coat of arms and the Slovak colours. He also has inscribed the initials of his wife and son. The red, white, and blue colours of the USA blend in beautifully with the biela, modra, a cervena of Slovakia to create an very pleasing work of art. The mask was created by David Leroux of Diel Airbrush in Montreal. Leroux had also designed Halak s previous mask as well as the mask he wore at the Olympics. Tichomir Miko The 9,400-strong labour force at the massive Volkswagen plant in Bratislava are getting ready to go on strike alert over a lack of agreement on wage conditions that saw negotiations break down last week. The trade unions have been going head to head with the management over wage conditions, and although still open to negotiations, they look 70% certain to call a strike, according to trade union leader Zoroslav Smolinsky, as cited by SITA newswire. Volkswagen, which is not commenting on the dispute, wants to cut salaries by about 4%, while also reducing the work time. The unions, on the other hand, are hoping for a wage hike of around 6%. Commemorating the Struggle for Human Rights Day in Slovakia Topical Issue On 25th March, 1988, five thousand people gathered on Hviezdoslavovo square in Bratislava to show their peaceful resent, holding candles in their hands, to the ruling communist regime in Czechoslovakia. This historical event became known as the Candle demonstration. It was the first mass demonstration against the communist regime in Czechoslovakia since 1969. The Demonstration was organized by Roman Catholic dissent groups asking for religious freedom in Czechoslovakia. The peaceful demonstration was suppressed by the police. Slovakia commemorates this event as the Struggle for Human Rights Day. The historian Frantisek Neupauer says that the Candle demonstration of 1988 is an important event in Slovak history, though not many people understand its value. According to Neupauer, the Candle Ruthenian-Ukrainians in Slovakia call for action against Russia The Central Council of the Association of Ruthenian-Ukrainians in Slovakia condemned at its March 21 session the referendum in Crimea as "unlawful" and protested Russia s use of force in order to carry out the referendum, the Council s vice-chairman Pavol Bogdan told TASR the same day. The council described the Miroslav Lajčák and Kerry discuss situation in Ukraine, U.S. sanctions on Russia Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Minister Miroslav Lajčák met U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington, D.C. on Thursday to discuss the situation in Ukraine in particular. Kerry also briefed Lajčák on fresh U.S. sanctions against Russia, which were approved not long after the two officials met. They informed me about them (the sanctions), said Lajčák, but he was reluctant to shed more light on the measures. He noted that the U.S. will announce them shortly. In the interim, 20 more individuals and a Russian bank became the target of a new round of U.S. sanctions as unveiled by President Barack Obama on Thursday. Lajčák and Kerry also discussed the need to send an OSCE mission to Ukraine in order to make sure the information on whatever is going on in the country is objective. Kerry also enquired about the issue of a reverse gas flow through Slovakia to Ukraine. EU leaders are set to discuss at their summit starting in Brussels on Thursday an extension of the list of individuals linked to the unrest in Crimea who are facing a freeze on bank accounts and a travel ban to the EU. Economic sanctions against Russia are unlikely, however, as European leaders are aware of a possible damage to the interests of EU member countries should such measures - and Russia's countermeasures - be adopted. Sanctions are a way to referendum as being at odds with the UN Charter and other norms and principles of international law. At the same time, the association calls on Slovakia's top bodies, the EU and the international community to take decisive steps against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, including enacting economic sanctions in order to force Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine. Bogdan also pointed to developments in eastern and southern Ukraine, which he claims are directed toward secession from Second round of presidential election is more dirty Two most successful candidates from last week s first round of the Presidential election are now running in the second round of the election - current Prime Minister Robert Fico and businessman and philanthropist Andrej Kiska. The campaign for the second round started as soon as the results of the first round were announced. Analysts claim the campaign has so far been lacking in content and is becoming more dirty. Scientology became a topic of the campaign, as PM Fico called his opponent a scientologist, supporting it with proof that Kiska has a book published by a publishing house owned by a man who is a scientologist. Kiska rejected these allegations turning against Fico the fact that it was his government that approved subsidies for a company which is lead by a man who openly admits he is a scientologist. Prime Minister Robert Fico called his opponent a usurer and for that Andrej Kiska filed a criminal complaint against him. Other politicians entered the campaign supporting one of the two candidates. President Ivan Gasparovic and exheads of state Rudolf Schuster and Michal Kovac believe that Slovakia needs in this period an experienced and internationally accepted politician at its helm. According to analyst Juraj Marusiak, this statement may be viewed as indirect support for Robert Fico. The Czech President Milos Zeman also stated that he hopes Robert Fico will be elected President. Most right-wing parties on the Slovak scene gave their support to Andrej Kiska and independent MP Radoslav Prochazka, who in the first round of the presidential election ended up in third place with a little over 21 percent of the vote, will also vote for Kiska. The presidential election runoff is scheduled for March 29. Ukraine. "We're concerned about the meddling of Russia into the internal affairs of Ukraine, which has negative effects on the consolidation of the situation in this country. The Association of Ruthenian-Ukrainians in Slovakia supports the state bodies and people of Ukraine in their struggle for the independence, sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine," reads the official statement of the association, as quoted by TASR.

Continued from page 7 Kanadský Slovák -29. marec 2014 strana 11 THE CZECHO-SLOVAK LEGION IN CANADA, 1920 Finally an agreement was made between General Janin and the Bolsheviks whereby the Legion would be allowed to leave Russia but not with the gold of the Tsarist government that it was protecting. Rumours persist that not all of the gold was turned over and some became part of the Czechoslovak Treasury. The original repatriation plan was that the Allies would ship 72,000 troops, splitting then evenly between Canadian and American Pacific Ocean ports, then overland by rail and across the Atlantic home. However, the discussions of logistics were taking too long and no ships were waiting in Vladivostok. 21. Commanded by Colonel Vaclav Petřík, it carried 159 officers and 2,569 members of the 9th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Artillery Regiment and 3rd Heavy Artillery Division. They were greeted by about forty members of the Bohemian National Alliance and other members of the public, as well as the Red Cross with their usual refreshments. The troops again marched through the city to the CNR station and boarded trains for their trip east. The first train left shortly before 8 PM. with three more at one hour intervals. The final contingent, largest of major upgrade and maintenance. It was then decided to transfer them immediately from ship to train and move them across Canada to the WW I training camp at Valcartier, twenty minutes north of Quebec City. Arrangements were then made to ship them home from either Quebec City or Halifax, through Cuxhaven, Germany, after a few weeks of rest and recuperation.. About 140 Czechs and Slovaks required hospital care in Valcartier with stays from a few days to several weeks for various ailments and war wounds. An undertaking of this magni- tary equipment and perhaps some of the gold from the Russian treasury? THE VALCARTIER CAMP The Legionnaires finally had a few weeks to rest after their constant travel over the past few months. They still maintained their discipline with the mornings dedicated to military drills and camp maintenance and the afternoons free for walks to explore the area or attend civic functions. The grounds around their tents were decorated with intricate designs made with coloured rocks, sand and flowers as they hosted vis- Liner Baltic completing the repatriation exercise and the Czecho-Slovak Legion s around the world odyssey. A total of fifteen trains sped east from Vancouver in June 1920 with 9,000 strangers absorbing the beauty of the Rocky Mountains, the prairies, farmlands and the forests of Canada from coast to coast. One wonders how many responded to the posters recruiting settlers for the Canadian West and for Northern Ontario a few years later. AFTERWARD Many of the Legionnaires returned to Czechoslovakia and VLADIVOSTOK TO VANCOU- VER Repatriation turned out to be more complex than anticipated. What interests us here is those who came through Canada. By April 1920, the numbers in the Canadian component had been reduced to 9,000 as it proved more practical to ship most of the men home via the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean through Italy using direct steamers. Only three ships were bound for Canada, the Ixion, the Protesilaus and the M.S. Dollar. The Blue Funnel Liner Ixion left Vladivostok on May 23, 1920 with 131 officers, 2,774 men and four Russian bears on board. It arrived in Vancouver on June 6. The Bears, mascots of the different regiments, were very tame and playful, one even getting its fifteen minutes of fame with a picture in the Vancouver Sun on June 8. The men were entertained aboard ship by the bears, supplementing the formal lectures by the officers and impromptu regimental band concerts and programs coordinated by Y.M.C.A. volunteers. Under the command of 28 year old Colonel B.P. Vuchterle, the troops consisted of a detachment of Engineers, a horse Battery, the 7th Regiment and the Storming (Assault) Battalion. The 7th Regiment was composed mostly of Slovak soldiers and presumably these were the soldiers pictured in the original postcard showing Slovak troops passing Cochrane, Ontario. Only a few dignitaries and local Bohemians greeted the ship as the date of arrival was uncertain and not well publicized but the Red Cross and other charitable organizations were on hand with cigarettes, chocolates, oranges and other refreshments for the visitors. On June 7, 1920, the headline in the Vancouver Sun had read: Vancouver People See Khaki- Clad Men Who Fought With Kolchak. First Contingent of Czechoslovak Troops Pass Through the City. Three Thousand Warriors From battlefields of Asia Come and Go. The June 22 edition of the Vancouver Sun announced: Second Contingent of Czechs Arrive. Nearly Three Thousand Pass Through City on Long Trip Home They were delivered to the Great Northern Dock aboard another Blue Funnel Liner, the Protesilaus, which departed Vladivostok on June 8 and arrived in Vancouver on June the three, had departed Vladivostok on June 6 aboard the steamer M.S. Dollar, and arrived at the Great Northern dock in Vancouver on June 22. The 3,429 passengers on board were composed of 137 officers, 3,154 troops, 2 women, 2 children, 134 mobilized labourers, as well as a Russian bear and a Siberian pony. The two children were orphaned Russian boys who had been adopted by family men. The majority of the troops were members of the 8th Cavalry Regiment, First Infantry Regiment and the Engineering Company under the command of Colonel Novák. As reported on June 23 by the Vancouver Sun under the heading: Fine Display by Czech Rearguard they proceeded North on Hastings, along Granville, down Georgia, across the viaduct to Main, then on to the CN station. Four regimental bands, one led by a huge Russian bear pulling a drum on a cart and another led by a Siberian pony enhanced the scene. Four battalions of infantry were commanded by Colonel Nošal, a former private in the Austrian army, while Major Kraichirik, a former private in the Russian army, led the cavalry. Though not mounted, the cavalry presented a splendid image in their red trousers and fur lined caps. They marched through the city and boarded six east bound trains, the first leaving at 5 PM, the rest on hourly intervals. ACROSS CANADA BY RAIL With reimbursement promised by Britain, the Canadian government facilitated the movement and accommodation of the Legionnaires across Canada. The original plan to temporarily house them in an old army barracks at Williamshead, BC was abandoned as it had previously been used as a hostel for Chinese Coolies employed on the railroad and was in need of tude was not without a few wrinkles. Colonel Vuchterle arrived with the first contingent of battle-weary veterans. They had survived six years in the battlefields of Siberia and landed penniless in Vancouver on June 6. They had to travel right across Canada with only a $5 advance, unable to buy gifts for their families that they had not seen for six years, until they got to Valcartier. Colonel Vuchterle went to Ottawa on June 16 to meet with the Minister of Finance to sort it out. Funding was finally approved on June 19 and a few days later the men got their first pay. The CNR mobilized fifteen special trains, each composed of 1 baggage car, 1 commissary (kitchen) car, 1 table (dining) car, 1 tourist (Smoking) car and 9 to 11 Colonist passenger cars. Each train carried an average of 600 passengers with the luxury of individual berths for sleeping. The Czechs and Slovaks travelled with their own cooks and the railway supplied the necessary provisions. Their commanding officer reported that the feeding arrangements and quality of food was entirely satisfactory but requested an increase in bread rations. The first train, Special W6, left at 23:00 on June 6, 1920, carrying thirty three officers and five hundred and ninety- two troops under the command of Major Rudolf Hásek. The route was Vancouver to Quebec City with one hour plus stops at Kamloops, Lucerne, Edmonton, North Battleford, Kamsack, Winnipeg, Sioux Lookout, Grant, Cochrane, and Parent and with twenty minute breaks at about a dozen points in between, including Hearst Ontario. Valcartier was then just a short jaunt 20 minutes north of Quebec City. There were also five special trains for excess baggage; one alone carried almost 400,000 pounds of mili- its from dignitaries, civic officials, the media and the public. They presented band concerts and gymnastic demonstrations that were enjoyed by the citizens and they were able to demonstrate their superb military discipline and marching skills on many occasions. On June 18, Governor General Lord Devonshire personally welcomed them to Canada. Then, on July 3, Quebec Lieutenant Governor Charles Fitzpatrick carried out an official inspection and presented the new colours that had just been received from Czechoslovakia to the regiment. The band played their new national anthem. Many different gifts and tributes were exchanged as the Legion thanked Canadians for their hospitality and Canadians thanked the Czechs and Slovaks for their contribution and sacrifice in the war effort. HOMEWARD BOUND The Czaritza departed Quebec for Europe on July 9 with 186 officers, 1,824 troops, 7 women, 2 children and 2 Russian bears on board. They reached Cuxhaven Germany where they boarded trains on July 19. Travelling through Germany they faced protesting locals but were greeted enthusiastically by fellow countrymen in Podmokly, Czechoslovakia. The Valencia followed from Quebec, carrying 52 officers, 628 troops and a pony. The Minnekahda sailed from Halifax with the bulk of the freight, 100 officers and 3,570 men and the Belgic completed the troop movement leaving Halifax in mid July, carrying 93 officers and 2,604 men. The last of the 7th Regiment made it home to Nitra on July 31, 1920, and were given a well deserved three-month vacation. After concluding some business in New York on July 31, 1920, Colonel Vuchterle steamed to England aboard the White Star assumed senior roles in the government and in the army. Fortunes changed in 1939 when many Czechs suffered during the German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia, facing imprisonment or execution for actions taken against Germany twenty years earlier. Those who survived then faced the wrath of the Communists who denied them their heroic place in history, denouncing them for fighting against the Bolsheviks. Some ended their days in Siberian prison camps. A bridge honouring the Legion was renamed and statues and tributes removed. The Legionnaires and their families had to hide their history for another 40 years until the Iron Curtain fell and they could again display their memories with pride. The Legion Bridge got its name back. After the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia in 1948, Major Rudolf Hásek, who was in command of the first special train across Canada in 1920, immigrated to Canada. Forty years later, at the ripe age of ninety-eight, he participated in the 70th anniversary celebrations of the founding of Czechoslovakia in Toronto. Another of the Legionnaires who crossed Canada was the father of Dr. Joseph Kirschbaum, Josef Kirschbaum, who passed away shortly after returning to Slovakia. Some Legionnaires returned many years later to Canada and the U.S. where they had been treated with such kindness during the evacuation from Siberia. It would be interesting to know if any of them found their way back to the Northern Ontario Slovak communities of Tabor (Opasatika), Hunta (Cochrane) or Bradlo (Hearst) where some 130 families settled and rode out the depression.

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