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SKOKY 2014 I. DEFINÍCIA PRETEKOV Preteky: CSIO 3* - W Miesto: Bratislava Halové: Otvorené kolbisko: Dátum: 07-10/08/2014 NF: Slovenská jazdecká federácia II. VŠEOBECNÉ PODMIENKY Preteky sú organizované v súlade s: - Stanovy FEI, 23. vydanie, platné od 7.novembra 2013 - FEI Všeobecné pravidlá, 23. vydanie, platné od 1. januára 2009, zmeny platné od 1. januára 2014 - FEI Veterinárne pravidlá, 13. vydanie, platné od 1. januára 2014 - FEI Skokové pravidlá a prílohy, 24. vydanie, platné od 1. januára 2014 - CSI/CSIO požiadavky na finančné ceny - Rebríček Longines Kategórie skupín %202014_0.pdf - CSI 3*, 4* pozývací systém (Európa) a 5* pozývací system (celosvetovo) - Equine Anti-Doping and Medication Control Rules (EADMCR), 1. vydanie, platné od 5. apríla 2010, zmeny platné od 1. januára 2014 - FEI Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes (ADRHA), upravené vydanie 2009, platné od 1. januára 2012 so zmenami platnými od 1. januára 2014 - všetky nasledujúce úpravy. - odvolacie konanie sa uskutoční v súlade so Stanovami FEI a Všeobecnými pravidlami. V súlade s touto procedúrou odvolanie voči rozhodnutiam orgánov FEI pojednáva výlučne Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Lausanne, Švajčiarsko. - NF je zodpovedná za správny vek svojich účastníkov na pretekoch. *********************************************************************** Update 03/02/10 1


SKOKY 2014 FEI ZÁSADY ZAOBCHÁDZANIA S KOŇOM NA OCHRANU KONÍ Medzinárodná jazdecká federácia (FEI) očakáva od všetkých, aktívnych v medzinárodnom jazdeckom športe, vernosť zásadam zaobchádzania s koňom, vydaným FEI ako aj rešpektovanie prvoradej a neustálej starostlivosti o koňa, ktorá nesmie byť nikdy podriadená súťažným alebo komerčným vplyvom. 1. Vo všetkých stupňoch prípravy a tréningu koní musia byť dobré životné podmienky pre koňa nad všetkými ďaľšími požiadavkami, zahŕňajúc dobré menežovanie koní, tréningové metódy, podkúvanie a prepravu. 2. Kone a pretekári musia byť zdraví a primerane pripravení skôr, než im je dovolené súťažiť. Sem patrí aj podávanie liekov, chirurgické zákroky, ohrozujúce dobrý stav koní alebo ich bezpečnosť, zákroky na žrebných kobylách, ako aj zneužitie rôznych pomôcok. 3. Preteky nesmú zhoršovať požadované životné podmienky koní a preto je potrebné venovať zvýšenú pozornosť kolbiskám, ich povrchom, poveternostným podmienkam, ustajneniu, bezpečnosti a dobrému stavu koní počas transportu po pretekoch. 4. Je potrebné vynaložiť všemožné úsilie na zabezpečenie potrebnej opatery koní po súťaži, ako aj humánneho zaobchádzania s nimi po ukončení ich pretekárskej kariéry. To zahŕňa primeranú veterinárnu starostlivosť, ošetrenie zranení v súťažiach, eutanáziu a odchod z aktívnej činnosti. 5. FEI vyzýva všetkých zainteresovaných v športe, aby dosahovali najvyš- šiu možnú úroveň vzdelávania v oblasti ich odborných činností. Plnú verziu dokumentu je možné získať od Medzinárodnej jazdeckej federácie, HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telefón: +41 21 310 47 47. Je dostupný v anglickom a francúzskom jazyku a je zverejnený aj na internetovej stránke FEI: Update 03/02/10 3

SKOKY 2014 III. VŠEOBECNÉ INFORMÁCIE 1. USPORIADATEĽ Meno: JK Slávia STU Bratislava v spolupráci so Slovenskou jazdeckou federáciou a Ministerstvom školstva SR Addresa: Májová 21, 850 55 Bratislava, Slovenská republika Telefón: 00421-2-4929 4961 Fax: 00421-2-4929 4904 Email: Web: Kontaktné údaje na mieso konania: Addresa: pozri usporiadateľa Telefón: pozri usporiadateľa Dejisko pretekov sa nachádza na pravej strane rieky Dunaj, vedľa Ekonomickej univerzity. Najbližšie letisko Bratislava, najbližšia vlaková stanica Bratislava 2. ORGANIZAČNÝ VÝBOR Predseda: Ing.Andrej Glatz Tajomník: Ing.Ingrid Janečková, Ing.Rastislav Noskovič Mobile: 00421-905-342 021 Tlač: Ing. Michal Žitný 3. RIADITEĽ PRETEKOV Meno: Ing. Andrej Glatz Addresa: JK TJ Slávia STU Májová 21 850 55 Bratislava Telefón: 00421-2-4929 4961 Fax: 00421-2-4929 4904 Email: 4. KONTAKT NA VEDÚCEHO 24 HODINOVEJ VETERINÁRNEJ SLUŽBY Telefón: 00421-948-020080 Update 03/02/10 4

SKOKY 2014 IV. OFFICIÁLNI ČINOVNÍCI Ref. Panel Event ID* Function FEI ID Name NF Level Ground Jury President 10053775 Dr.Robert Fekár SVK 3 1 Ground Jury 1 Ground Jury Member Ground Jury Member Ground Jury Member 10049902 Ing.Jaroslav Pecháček CZE 3 10052224 Mag.Ines Bejdl AUT 3 10050319 Dr.Miloš Kravec SVK 1 2 Foreign Judge 2 Foreign Judge 10049106 Tõnu Kaumann EST 3 3 Foreign Technical Delegate 3 Foreign Technical Delegate N/A Course Designer 10049358 Eduard Petrovič CRO 3 4 Course Designer 4 Assistant Course Designer Assistant Course Designer Appeal Committee President 10050503 Dr.Alexander Vietor SVK 3- RET 5 Appeal Committee 5 Appeal Committee Member Dr.Štefan Karahuta SVK Appeal Committee Member 10049175 Ing.Jiří Kuška CZE 3 6 Chief Steward 6 Chief Steward 10063683 Silvia Gavorníková SVK 3 7 Assistants Stewards 7 Assistant Steward 10049093 Rudolf Kalman SVK Assistant Steward 10049754 Jozefína Mocková SVK Assistant Steward 10051791 Bohumil Rejnek CZE Assistant Steward Ivana Dedinská SVK FEI Veterinary Delegate 8 FEI Veterinary Delegate N/A 8 Veterinary Commission 8 Veterinary Commission President Foreign Veterinary 10050614 Dr.Zdeněk Žert CZE 10049074 Dr.Ivan Jeník CZE Update 03/02/10 5

SKOKY 2014 Delegate Assistant FEI Delegate 10049019 Dr.Michal Hollý SVK 9 VSM Veterinary Treating Official 9 Veterinary Service Manager FEI Permitted Treating Veterinarian 10053441 Dr. Eva Cykritová SVK 10053441 Dr. Eva Cykritová SVK 10 Medical Doctor Medical Doctor Falck Healthcare, a.s. SVK 11 Farrier Farrier Gábor Hegyi 12 NF Technical Delegate NF Technical Delegate Štefan Illeš SVK Update 03/02/10 6

SKOKY 2014 Update 03/02/10 7

SKOKY 2014 V. ŠPECIFICKÉ TECHNICKÉ PODMIENKY 1. ČASOVÝ ROZVRH : Otvorenie stajní: 06/08/2014 8:00 a.m. 1. veterinárna prehliadka koní (všetky zúčastnené kone musia byť prítomné, pokiaľ tomu nebránia vážne dôvody) 06/08/2014 4:00 p.m. Opakovaná prehliadka koní 07/08/2014 9:00 a.m. Technická porada vedúcich družstiev 06/08/2014 7:00 p.m. Prihlášky do súťaží: 06/08/2014 6:00 p.m. Súťaž č. 1 Malá séria 07/08/2014 10:00 a.m. Súťaž č. 2 Stredná séria 07/08/2014 1:00 p.m. Súťaž č. 3 Veľká séria 07/08/2014 4:00 p.m. Súťaž č. 4 Malá séria 08/08/2014 10:00 a.m. Súťaž č. 5 Furusiyya FEI Pohár národov 3* 08/08/2014 1:00 p.m. Súťaž č. 6 Malá séria - Finále 09/08/2014 10:00 a.m. Súťaž č. 7 Stredná séria 09/08/2014 1:00 p.m. Súťaž č. 8 Veľká séria 09/08/2014 3:00 p.m. Súťaž č. 9 Barierové skákanie 09/08/2014 5:00 p.m. Súťaž č. 10 Little Prix Bratislava Finále strednej série Súťaž č. 11 Grand Prix Bratislava FEI World Cup kvalifikácia 10/08/2014 11:00 a.m. 10/08/2014 2:00 p.m. 2. MIESTO KONANIA : Preteky sa konajú: v hale na otvorenom kolbisku 3. KOLBISKO : Rozmery: Podklad: 4. OPRACOVISKO : Rozmery: Podklad: 5. USTAJNENIE : Veľkosť boxov: 70 x 100 m Tráva 30 x 70 m Piesok 3 x 3 a 3,5 x 3,5 m 6. LOSOVANIE : sa uskutoční na technickej porade 6.8.2014 o 19:00 a 9.8.2014 30 minút po skončení poslednej Update 03/02/10 8

SKOKY 2014 súťaže vo VIP stane. VI. POZVANIE Krajiny pozvané do Furusiyya FEI Pohára národov: Ďaľšie krajiny pozvané s družstvom: Rezervné krajiny s družstvom: AUT, FIN, CRO, CZE, GRE, HUN. SVK, TUR FRA, SWE, AUS, GER, USA SUI, BRA, ITA, EST, SLO Musí byť akceptovaných 10 najlepších pretekárov (max. 2 pretekári z NF, ktorá nie je reprezentovaná družstvom) v poradí príslušnej podligy FEI Svetového pohára 3 týždne pred konaním pretekov. Títo pretekári sú automaticky kvalifikovaní do súťaže FEI Svetového pohára. Celkový počet pretekárov: 100 Počet domácich pretekárov: 20 Počet zahraničných pretekárov: 80 Počet koní na pretekára: 3 Počet družstiev: 13 Počet pretekárov v družstve: 5 Počet individuálnych pretekárov na NF s družstvom: 0 Počet individuálnych pretekárov na NF bez družstva: 2 Divoké karty OV: N/A Divoké karty FEI: N/A Divoké karty pre družstvo: N/A Každý kôň môže počas dňa štartovať len v jednej súťaži a navyše v súťaži č. 9 (Barierové skákanie). Pretekári sú pozvaní organizačným výborom prostredníctvom ich NF. Jeden ošetrovateľ na jazdca. VII. PRIHLÁŠKY V Prílohe I na poslednej strane tohto rozpisu je informácia o FEI Online prihlasovaciom systéme Všetci pretekári a kone štartujúce na medzinárodných pretekoch musia byť registrovaní na FEI, inak budú automaticky diskvalifikovaní. Principiálne prihlášky: 10.05.2014 Menovité prihlášky: 25.06.2014 Definitívne prihlášky: 25.07.2014 Update 03/02/10 9

SKOKY 2014 Posledná zmena: 06.08.2014 Pre maximálne štartovné pozri CSI/CSIO požiadavky v Prílohe VI Skokových pravidiel. Poplatky na koňa: 500 EUR Prihlášky musia byť poslané národnou federáciou len prostredníctvom FEI online prihlasovacieho system. Pretekári a/alebo kone na pretekoch bez prihlásenia cez FEI online prihlasovací system budú automaticky diskvalifikovaní. Neúčasť/Neskoré odhlásenie Odhlásenie po definitívnych prihláškach alebo neúčasť na pretekoch oprávňuje OV požadovať náhradu finančnej straty. (napr. za ustajnenie a ubytovanie). Poplatok bude 200 EUR. ĎAĽŠIE POPLATKY MCP poplatok: Nil CHF 12.50 Elektrická prípojka: 40 EUR Vyčistenie boxov: 40 EUR Seno: 8 EUR Podstielka pre všetky kone počas CSIO je na náklady OV Iné (prosím špecifikujte): N/A Uvedené sumy sú včítane DPH Kategória pretekov Vek pretekárov Vek koní CSIO-W 1* - 5* GP, PN, SP, súťaže zručnosti, Derby, súťaže s najvyššou fin. cenou Iné súťaže Iné súťaže do 140 cm Iné súťaže do 120 cm 18 rokov 16 rokov so súhlasom NF 14 rokov so súhlasom NF 12 rokov so súhlasom NF Min. 7 rokov Min. 7 rokov Min. 7 rokov Min. 7 rokov Update 03/02/10 10

SKOKY 2014 VIII. ZAOPATRENIE ÚČASTNÍKOV 1. PRETEKÁRI + VEDÚCI DRUŽSTIEV Hotel: Hotel Tatra (****) Námestie 1. mája 5 Tel : Tel.: +421 2 5927 2118 811 06 Bratislava Fax: +421 2 5927 2135 E-mail : Rezervácie výlučne prostredníctvom OV. Pretekári, vedúci družstiev a veterinári družstiev budú ubytovaní (noclah a raňajky) od 06/08/2014 do 11/08/2014 na náklady OV. Strava od 07/08/2014 do 10/08/2014 v areáli pretekov. Členovia, vedúci a veterinári družstviev na náklady OV. (finančná náhrada 15 EUR na osobu a deň). 2. OŠETROVATELIA Požiadavka na ubytovanie musí byť poslaná s prihláškami. Ošetrovatelia budú ubytovaní od 06/08/2014 do 11/08/2014 na náklady OV. Strava od 07/08/2014 do 10/08/2014 v areáli pretekov na náklady OV. (finančná náhrada 15 EUR na osobu a deň). 3. KONE Náklady na dopravu koní na preteky a späť hradia účastníci pretekov. OV môže požadovať poplatok na vyčistenie boxov po pretekoch v maximálnej výške do 40 EUR na koňa. 4. MIESTNA PREPRAVA z hotela do jazdeckého areálu bude organizovaná OV. 5. PRÍJAZD Čas a dátum príjazdu jazdcov a koní a ich spôsob dopravy musí byť oznámený organizačnému výboru vopred, v záujme uľahčenia prijatia. Príjazd pred 6. augustom 2014 nebude akceptovaný. Update 03/02/10 11

SKOKY 2014 IX. ĎALŠIE INFORMÁCIE 1. REKLAMA NA PRETEKÁROCH A KOŇOCH Pretekári sú oprávnení používať logo osobného sponzora na dečke pod sedlom v súlade s článkami 256.3 and 257.3 skokových pravidiel. Hlavný komisár kontroluje či je používanie reklamy v súlade s uvedenými článkami pravidiel. 2. CELKOVÉ VYHODNOTENIE NA KONCI PRETEKOV A. Najlepší domáci pretekár bude ohodnotený vecnou cenou B. CENY - VYHODNOTENIE Najlepší domáci jazdec bude vyhodnotený ako dvojica jazdec a kôň podľa bodov získaných v súlade s nasledujúcou tabuľkou. V prípade rovnosti počtu bodov rozhoduje lepší výsledok v súťaži č. 11 (Grand Prix). Súťaž Body 1. miesto 2.miesto 3.miesto 4.miesto 5.miesto 1 5 4 3 2 1 2 6 5 4 3 2 3 8 7 6 5 4 4 6 5 4 3 2 5/1 12 10 8 7 0 5/2 12 10 8 0 0 6 8 7 6 5 4 7 8 7 6 5 4 8 11 9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6 5 4 10 10 8 7 6 5 11 12 10 8 7 6 3. DEKORÁCIA PRETEKÁROV Majiteľ víťazného koňa v súťaži Grand Prix sa nezúčastní dekorácie na parkúre. 6 najlepších jazdcov v každej súťaži sa zúčastní dekorácie. 4. POISTENIE Všetci majitelia koní a pretekári sú osobne zodpovední za škody, spôsobené nimi, ich zamestnancami, agentami alebo ich koňmi tretím osobám. Účastníkom sa dôrazne odporučuje uzavrieť poistenie na plné krytie prípadných škôd spojených s ich účasťou na pretekoch. Update 03/02/10 12

SKOKY 2014 FEI zabezpečuje poistenie FEI oficiálnym činovníkom uvedeným v rozpise pretekov. 5. VSTUP DO AREÁLU PRETEKOV / AKREDITOVANÉ OSOBY majú oficiálni činovníci, členovia družstiev a a majitelia koní 6. VÝROBCA BEZPEČNOSTNÝCH HÁKOV y%20cups%20manufacturers%2023.10.2012.pdf Top Jump, Moosmühle 14, 853 76 Massenhausen, SRN 7. VÝROBCA ČASOMERNÉHO ZARIADENIA List_approved_timing_16.08.12_0.pdf Alge Timing Model: TDC 8001 FEI Report číslo: 22020007A 8. PROTESTY/ODVOLANIA Platný protest alebo odvolanie musia byť podané písomne spolu s vkladom 150,- CHF alebo ekvivalentom. 9. ORGANIZÁCIA PRETEKOV Za výnimočných okolností a so súhlasom vedúcich družstiev a rozhodcovského zboru si OV vyhradzuje právo na zmenu rozpisu za účelom vysvetlenia nejasností, ktoré vznikli v dôsledku zabudnutia alebo neočakávaných okolností. Neočakávané okolnosti nezahŕňajú zmeny v schválenom rozpise bez schválenia FEI. Zmeny musia byť neodkladne oznámené všetkým pretekárom a oficiálnym činovníkom a zahraničný rozhodca musí o nich podať správu generálnemu sekretárovi FEI. 10. TRÉNING V SÚŤAŽI Pretekári, ktorí chcú trénovať v súťaži na čas (Stupnica A a Stupnica C) to musia oznámiť OV ešte pred začiatkom súťaže. Takíto jazdci budú štartovať na začiatku súťaže. 11. ROZPORY V ROZPISE V prípade diskusie ohľadne výkladu rozpisu (v preložených verziách) je rozhodujúca anglická verzia. 12. VÝSLEDKY Za účelom zverejnenia a kvalifikácií FEI vyžaduje zaslanie výsledkov priamo do FEI databázy bezprostredne po skončení pretekov. Potrebné informácie o postupe je možné získať na Update 03/02/10 13

SKOKY 2014 V prípade že OV nie je schopný zabezpečiť požadované súbory, výsledky budú akceptované aj zaslaním na e-mail v príslušnom Excel alebo XML formáte ihneď po skončení pretekov. Informácie o predpísanom formáte pre CSIs/CSIOs/Majstrovstvá a Hry nájdte na adrese Všetky výsledky musia obsahovať čísla FEI pasov koní a FEI ID jazdcov. 13. STÁVKOVANIE na pretekoch sa nebude vykonávať. X. VETERINÁRNE PODMIENKY Veterinárne pravidlá, 13. Vydanie, platné od 1. Januára 2014 1. COLNÉ FORMALITY Organizačný výbor doporučuje použiť ako colný doklad výlučne ATA karnet. 2. ZDRAVOTNÉ POŽIADAVKY Všeobecné ustanovenia V súlade s FEI kodexom správania je nevyhnutné aby kone na pretekoch FEI boli zdravé a bez príznakov infekčných ochorení. Dovoz koní Vyžadované je len očkovanie proti konskej chrípke. 3. NÁRODNÉ POŽIADAVKY N/A 4. PREPRAVA KONÍ Pozri FEI Veterinárne pravidlá 5. INFORMÁCIE PRI PRÍCHODE A SCHOPNOSŤ PRETEKAŤ Pasy koní (Všeobecné pravidlá, článok 137) Vo všetkých záležitostiach týkajúcich sa FEI pasov/fei obalov na národné pasy sa obráťte na vašu NF. Všetky kone zúčastnené na FEI pretekoch musia byť registrované FEI. Update 03/02/10 14

SKOKY 2014 FEI pasy, FEI obaly na uznané národné pasy sú povinné na všetkých pretekoch FEI s výnimkou pretekov CN a CIM tak ako je uvedené dole. Kategória pretekov Národné súťaže CSI 1*-2*/J-B/Y-B/Ch-B/U25-B/V-B/ Am- B/P/Ch-A CSI 3*-5*/CSIO/J-A/Y-A/U25-A/ V-A/ Am- A Všetky majstrovstvá/hry CSI 1*-5*-W FEI pas alebo FEI karta Nepovinné Nepovinné pre domáce kone Povinné pre zahraničné kone Povinné Povinné Povinné Pozri tiež FEI Veterinárne pravidlá. 6. ANTI-DOPING KONÍ A ZDRAVOTNÁ KONTROLA Veterinárne pravidlá 2014, Kapitola VI, Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Programme (EADCMP) OV FEI pretekov v Skupine I a II sa doporučuje vyberať od pretekárov poplatok v hodnote 12.50 CHF na koňa a preteky ako príspevok na krytie nákladov na program EADCMP. FEI Laboratórium na analýzu vzoriek Name: Horseracing Forensic Laboratories (HFL) Sport & Science Att.: Dr Steve Maynard Quotient Biosearch Limited Address: Newmarket Road Fordham Cambridgeshire CB75WW United Kingdom Telephone: +44-1638 724 406 Fax: +44-1638 724 407 Email: Pozri tiež kapitolu VI Veterinárnych pravidliel a Pre ďaľšie informácie kontaktuj alebo Tel +41 21 544 1044 or +41 21 310 4739. 7. PONY Na všetkých pretekoch pony musia byť pony k dispozícii na premeranie ešte pred Veterinárnou Update 03/02/10 15

SKOKY 2014 kontrolou (Veterinárne pravidlá 2014, Kapitola IV). 8. HLÁSENIE ZRANENÍ Zranenia koní na FEI pretekovh podliahajú povinnosti vyhotovenia protokolu, ktorý slúži k zabezpečeniu blaha koňa ako prvoradej a neustálej požiadavky. XI. HUMÁNNY ANTI-DOPING V zmysle pravidiel ADRHAs OV musí minimálne 2 mesiace pred konaním pretekov, na ktorých je plánovaná anti-dopingová kontrola ľudí, zabezpečiť: 1. Jedného člena personálu OV ako kontaktnej osoby a koordinátora osobe vykonávajúcu dopingovú kontrolu spolu s menom tejto osoby, pripravenej komunikovať aj s FEI už minimálne 2 týždne pred konaním pretekov. 2. Priestory na vykonávanie anti-dopingu, oddelené od verejných priestorov, kde bude k dispozícii 1 stôl, 2 stoličky, perá a papier a 1 uzamykateľná chladnička a čakáreň s dostatočným počtom stoličieka dostatočným množstvom uzatvorených bezkofeínových a nealkoholických nápojov, čo zahŕňa aj rôzne minerálne vody a osviežujúce nápoje. Súkromnú kúpeľňu/toalety čo najbližšie k priestorom anti-dopingu a k čakárni. 3. Členov OV alebo dobrovolníkov asistentov oboch pohlaví. Ich počet musí OV dohodnúť s FEI čo najskôr po obdržaní testovacieho plánu pretekov. Kvalifikačné podmienky pozrite v predpisoch ADRHAs. Update 03/02/10 16

SKOKY 2014 S Ú Ť A Ž E Medzinárodné súťaže nesmú začať pred 8:00 a končiť po 23:00 pokiaľ nebolo schválené FEI inak. CELKOVÁ SUMA VÝHIER : 122 000 EUR Meno súťaže Suma (Mena) Súťaž č. 1 Malá séria 3 000 EUR Súťaž č. 2 Stredná séria 4 500 EUR Súťaž č. 3 Veľká séria 7 000 EUR Súťaž č. 4 Malá séria 3 000 EUR Súťaž č. 5 Furusiyya FEI Pohár národov 3* LR 25 000 EUR Súťaž č. 6 Finále malej série 4 500 EUR Súťaž č. 7 Stredná séria 6 000 EUR Súťaž č. 8 Veľká séria LR 24 000 EUR Súťaž č. 9 Barierové skákanie 11 000 EUR Súťaž č. 10 Little Prix Bratislava 8 000 EUR Finále strednej série Súťaž č. 11 Grand Prix Bratislava FEI World Cup LR 26 000 EUR DANE Z FINANČNÝCH VÝHIER Dane vo výške 20% budú odpočítané z finančných výhier podľa platných predpisov. Daňové tlačivá musia byť pretekárom poskytnuté pri príchode a odovzdané OV pred odchodom z pretekov. Celá suma finančných cien uvedená v rozpise pre každú súťaž musí byť vyplatená (Všeobecné pravidlá čl. 127, 128). Na podrobnosti vyplácania pre každú súťaž pozrite prosím tabuľky na konci anglickej verzie tohto dukumentu; OV musí určiť, ktorá z dvoch tabuliek bude použitá. Finančné ceny musia byť rozdelené medzi prvých 12 umiestnených púretekárov. OV musí pridať finančné ceny pre pretekárov, umiestnených za 12. miestom. Minimálna suma pre každú cenu od 13. po posledné miesto musí byť jasne určená v schálenom rozpise. Update 03/02/10 17

SKOKY 2014 Dôležité Pokiaľ je do súťaže prihlásených viac ako 100 koní, usporiadateľ musí rozdeliť súťaž a zabezpečiť adekvátne finančné ceny pre dodatočnú súťaž. Rozdelenie môže prebehnúť jedným z nasledujúcich spôsobov: a. Súťaž je rozdelená do dvoch skupín ešte pred jej konaním. V skupinách môže byť rozdielny počet pretekárov. V každej skupine môžu byť pretekári s viacerými koňmi avšak každý pretekár musí mať všetky svoje kone v rovnakej skupine. b. Súťaž prebehne ako jedna súťaž a po skončení sú výsledky stanovené nasledovne: Najlepší je víťazom prvej skupiny, druhý víťazom druhej skupiny atď. Až do rozdelenia cien 25 percentám zúčastnených. V tomto prípade musia byť zaslané na FEI oddelené vysledky súťaží. V oboch prípadoch musia byť každej skupine rozdelení rovnaké finančné prostriedky, aké boli určené pr pôvodnú súťaž. Update 03/02/10 18

SKOKY 2014 PRVÝ DEŇ : Štvrtok DÁTUM (dd/mm/rr) : 07/08/14 SÚŤAŽ Č. 1 Čas: 10:00 Malá séria Čl. 274.5.3, Stupnica A Rýchlosť: 350 m/min Prekážky: 1. kolo max. výška: 130 cm 2. kolo max. výška: 135 cm Počet koní na pretekára: 2 Finančné ceny: 3 000 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) 40 EUR SÚŤAŽ Č. 2 Čas: 13:00 Stredná séria Čl. 274.5.3, Stupnica A Rýchlosť: 350 m/min Prekážky: 1. kolo max. výška: 135 cm 2. kolo max. výška: 140 cm Počet koní na pretekára: 1 Finančné ceny: 4 500 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) 50 EUR SÚŤAŽ Č. 3 Čas: 16:00 Veľká séria Čl. 238.2.1, Stupnica A, bez rozoskakovania Rýchlosť: Prekážky max. výška: Počet koní na pretekára: 1 Finančné ceny: 375 m/min 150 cm 7 000 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: Prvá kvalifikácia do Grand Prix 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) 70 EUR Update 03/02/10 19

SKOKY 2014 DRUHÝ DEŇ : Piatok DÁTUM (dd/mm/rr) : 08/08/14 SÚŤAŽ Č. 4 Čas: 10:00 Malá séria Čl. 238.2.1, Stupnica A, bez rozoskakovania Rýchlosť: Prekážky max. výška: Počet koní na pretekára: 1 Finančné ceny: 350 m/min 135 cm 3 000 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) 40 EUR SÚŤAŽ Č. 5 Čas: 13:00 Furusiyya FEI Pohár národov 3* Čl. 264 Oficiálna medzinárodná skoková súťaž štvorčlenných družstiev. Do druhého kola postupuje maximálne 8 družstiev. Pokiaľ sa domáce družstvo nekvalifikuje do 2. kola, nemá možnosť štartovať v 2. kole. V prípade rovnakého počtu trestných bodov po 1.kole o postupe do 2. kola rozhoduje lepší súčet časov 3 najlepších členov družstva. V prípade rovnakého počtu trestných bodov na prvom mieste po 2. kole sa uskutoční rozoskakovanie jedného jazdca z každého družstva na čas. Štartovné poradie v 1. kole bude vylosované. Parkúr bude postavený v súlade s požiadavkami na 4* súťaž (pozri technické špecifikácie) ako je uvedené v čl. 5.2.2 pravidiel Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Series, ako aj článku 264.3.1 Skokových pravidiel. Finančné ceny: 25 000 EUR Všetky družstvá štartujúce v druhom kole dostanú finančné ceny. Rozdelenie finančných cien: 7400-5400-4200-3200-2200-1400-800-400 EUR Prvé kolo FEI Pohára národov je druhou kvalifikáciou do Grand Prix. Update 03/02/10 20

SKOKY 2014 TRETÍ DEŇ : Sobota DÁTUM (dd/mm/rr) : 09/08/14 SÚŤAŽ Č. 6 Čas: 10:00 Malá séria - Finále Čl. 238.2.2, Stupnica A, s rozoskakovaním Rýchlosť: Prekážky max. výška: Počet koní na pretekára: 2 Finančné ceny: 375 m/min 140 cm 4 500 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) 50 EUR SÚŤAŽ Č. 7 Čas: 13:00 Stredná séria Rýchlosť: Prekážky max. výška: Počet koní na pretekára: 2 Finančné ceny: Čl. 238.2.1, Stupnica A, bez rozoskakovania 375 m/min 140 cm 6 000 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) 60 EUR SÚŤAŽ Č. 8 Čas: 15:00 Veľká séria Čl. 238.2.1, Stupnica A, bez rozoskakovania Rýchlosť: Prekážky max. výška: Počet koní na pretekára: 1 Finančné ceny: 375 m/min 150 cm 24 000 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) Tretia kvalifikácia do Grand Prix 150 EUR Update 03/02/10 21

SKOKY 2014 SÚŤAŽ Č. 9 Čas: 17:00 Barierové skákanie Čl. 262.3, Stupnica A Počet koní na pretekára: 2 Finančné ceny: 11 000 EUR Pokiaľ je v súťaži viac ako 100 pretekárov, súťaž musí byť rozdelená a poskytnutá zodpovedajúca finančná suma. Použitá tabuľka: Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) 100 EUR ŠTVRTÝ DEŇ : Nedeľa DÁTUM (dd/mm/rr) : 10/08/14 SÚŤAŽ Č. 10 Čas: 11:00 Little Prix Bratislava - Finále strednej série Čl. 238.2.2, Stupnica A, s rozoskakovaním Rýchlosť: 375 m/min Prekážky max. výška: 145 cm Počet koní na pretekára: 1 Finančné ceny: 8 000 EUR Použitá tabuľka: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 80 EUR SÚŤAŽ Č. 11 Čas: 14:00 Mercedes Grand Prix Bratislava - Finále Veľkej série FEI World Cup kvalifikácia Čl. 238.2.2, Stupnica A, s rozoskakovaním Rýchlosť: 375 m/min Prekážky min. výška: 140 cm Prekážky max. výška: 160 cm Počet koní na pretekára: 1 Maximálny počet pretekárov: 60 Finančné ceny: 26 000 EUR Použitá tabuľka: 1 (25% víťazovi) 2 (33% víťazovi) Finančná cena od 13. miesta: 150 EUR Update 03/02/10 22

SKOKY 2014 Do Grand Prix sa kvalifikuje 60 pretekárov, včítane tých, ktorí sa kvalifikovali podľa čl. 261.4.1 FEI Skokových pravidiel. Automaticky sa kvalifikujú nasledujúci pretekári: Individuálni medajlisti posledných Olympijských a Pan Amerických hier, Majstrovstiev sveta a kontinentálnych majstrovstiev a víťazná dvojica FEI Svetového pohára 2014. 10 najlepší pretekári stredoeurópskej severnej podligy Svetového pohára podľa stavu 3 týždne pred konaním pretekov. 4 najlepší pretekári v súťaži č. 8 spomedzi pretekárov nesúťažiacich v Pohári národov a tých, ktorí nepostúpili do 2. kola Pohára národov. 18 najlepších pretekárov z oboch kôl Pohára národov. V prípade rovnosti súčtu trestných bodov o postupe rozhodne lepší súčet časov z oboch kôl. V prípade rovnosti súčtu trestných bodov aj časov sa pretekári môžu zúčastniť Grand Prix. Zvyšní pretekári do počtu 60 sa kvalifikujú podľa umiestnenia v súťaži č.3. Všetci pretekári kvalifikovaní do Grand Prix museli so svojim koňom ukončiť prvé kolo niektorej zo súťaží pred Grand Prix. Štartovné poradie bude vylosované. Parkúry Furusiyya FEI Pohára národov a FEI Svetového pohára (Grand Prix) musia byť doručené na schválenie na FEI najmenej týždeň pred prvým dňom konania pretekov. Tabuľky určujúce prerozdelenie finančných cien sú uvedené v anglickej verzii tohto rozpisu. * * * * * * * * * * * PRÍLOHA (9 STRÁN) JE SÚČASŤOU TOHTO SCHVÁLENÉHO A PODPÍSANÉHO ROZPISU A MUSÍ BYŤ ZASLANÁ VŠETKÝM OFICIÁLNYM ČINOVNÍKOM A NÁRODNÝM FEDERÁCIÁM A JE K DISPOZÍCII OSTATNÝM NA POŽIADANIE Update 03/02/10 23

Please note that schedules will only be accepted when submitted in the provided format of the Official FEI Draft Schedule. I. DENOMINATION OF THE EVENT: Event: CSIO 3* W Place: Bratislava Indoor: Date: 07-10/08/2014 NF: SVK Outdoor: HIGHER LEVEL EVENT CATEGORIES: CSIO5* CSI5*-W CSIYR-A CSI5* CSIO4* CSI4*-W CSIJ-A CSI4* CSIO3* CSI3*-W CSIP CSI3* CSIO2* CSI2*-W CSICh-A CSIO1* CSI1*-W CSIV-A CSIOYR CSIAm-A CSIOJ CSIU25-A CSIOP CSIOCh Championship Games II. GENERAL CONDITIONS This event is organised in accordance with: - FEI Statutes, 23 rd edition,effective 7 th November 2013 - FEI General Regulations, 23 rd edition,effective 1 st January 2009, updates effective 1 st January 2014 - FEI Veterinary Regulations, 13 th edition, effective 1 st January 2014 - The Jumping Rules and its Annexes, 24 th edition, effective 1 st January2014 - CSI/CSIOPrize Money requirements - Longines Rankings Groups Categories 20-%202014_0.pdf - CSI 3*, 4* invitation system (Europe) and 5* invitation system (Worldwide) - Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMR), 1 st Edition, effective 5 th April 2010, updates effective 1 st January 2014 - FEI Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes (ADRHA),based on the 2009 revised Code, effective 1 st January 2012, updates effective 1 st January 2014 - All subsequent published revisions, the provisions of which will take precedence. - An arbitration procedure is provided for in the FEI Statutes and General Regulations referred to above. In accordance with this procedure, any appeal against a decision rendered by the FEI or its official bodies is to be settled exclusively by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland. - It is the responsibility of NFs to ensure their participants are of the correct age. *********************************************************************** THE APPENDIX(8 PAGES) IS PART OF THIS APPROVED AND SIGNED SCHEDULEAND MUST BE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL OFFICIALSAND NFsAND IS AVAILABLE TO OTHERS UPON REQUEST 1

Approved by the FEI, Lausanne, on 31 st March 2014 John P. Roche FEI Director Jumping 2

THE FEI CODE OF CONDUCT FOR THE WELFARE OF THE HORSE The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expectsall those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences. 1. At all stages during the preparation and trainingof competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation. 2. Horses and Athletes must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. This encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids. 3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event. 4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement. 5. The FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise. A full copy of this Code can be obtained from the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King HusseinI Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telephone: +41 21 310 47 47. The Code is available in English & French. The Code is also available on the FEI s website: 3

III. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. ORGANISER Name: JK Slávia STU Bratislava in the cooperation with Slovak Equestrian Federation and Slovak Ministry of Education Address: Májová 21, 850 55 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Telephone: 00421-2-4929 4961 Fax: 00421-2-4929 4904 Email: Website: Contact Details Show Ground: Address: see organiser Telephone: see organiser Brief summary of your venue s accessibility details (directions by road, nearest airport / train station). Venue is situated on the right bank of the river Danube near the University of Economy, nearest airport Bratislava / train station Bratislava 2. ORGANISING COMMITTEE President of the Event: Ing.Andrej Glatz Show Secretary: Ing.Ingrid Janečková, Ing.Rastislav Noskovič Mobile: 00421-905-342 021 Press Officer: Ing. Michal Žitný 3. EVENT DIRECTOR Name: Ing. Andrej Glatz Address: JK TJ Slávia STU Májová 21 850 55 Bratislava Telephone: 00421-2-4929 4961 Fax: 00421-2-4929 4904 Email: 4. Please indicate a 24 hours Veterinary Service Manager number:00421-948-020080 4

IV. OFFICIALS Ref. Panel Event ID* Function FEI ID Name NF Level E-mail &Mobile 1 Ground Jury 1 Ground Jury President Ground Jury Member Ground Jury Member Ground Jury Member 10053775 Dr.Robert Fekár SVK 3 10049902 Ing.Jaroslav Pecháček CZE 3 10052224 Mag.Ines Bejdl AUT 3 10050319 Dr.Miloš Kravec SVK 1 2 Foreign Judge 2 Foreign Judge 10049106 Tõnu Kaumann EST 3 +421 905 532 730 3 Foreign Technical Delegate 3 Foreign Technical Delegate N/A Course Designer 10049358 Eduard Petrovič CRO 3 4 Course Designer 4 Assistant Course Designer Assistant Course Designer Appeal Committee President 10050503 Dr.Alexander Vietor SVK 3- RET 5 Appeal Committee 5 Appeal Committee Member Dr.Štefan Karahuta SVK Appeal Committee Member 10049175 Ing.Jiří Kuška CZE 3 5

6 Chief Steward 6 Chief Steward 10063683 Silvia Gavorníková SVK 3 00421-903-746099 7 Assistants Stewards 7 Assistant Steward 10049093 Rudolf Kalman SVK Assistant Steward 10049754 Jozefína Mocková SVK Assistant Steward 10051791 Bohumil Rejnek CZE Assistant Steward Ivana Dedinská SVK FEI Veterinary Delegate 8 FEI Veterinary Delegate N/A * 8 Veterinary Commission President 10050614 Dr.Zdeněk Žert CZE Veterinary Commission 8 Foreign Veterinary Delegate 10049074 Dr.Ivan Jeník CZE Assistant FEI Delegate 10049019 Dr.Michal Hollý SVK 9 VSM Veterinary Treating Official 9 Veterinary Service Manager FEI Permitted Treating Veterinarian 10053441 Dr. Eva Cykritová SVK 10053441 Dr. Eva Cykritová SVK 00421-948-020080 10 Medical Doctor Medical Doctor Falck Healthcare, a.s. SVK 11 Farrier Farrier Gábor Hegyi +421 2 326 635 02 +421 910 630 201 * Compulsory * The Event code can be found in the FEI s Database under the Event details on the top right corner 6

V. SPECIFIC TECHNICAL CONDITIONS 1. TIMETABLE (to be provided per category/level if multiple events) Date Time Opening of stables: 06/08/2014 8:00 a.m. Horse Inspection: All horses taking part at this event must be present during the first horse inspection, unless unable to do so due to force majeure 06/08/2014 4:00 p.m. Horse Re-Inspection: 07/08/2014 9:00 a.m. Chefs d Equipes Meeting 06/08/2014 7:00 p.m. Declaration of Starters: 06/08/2014 6:00 p.m. 1 st Competition Small Tour 07/08/2014 10:00 a.m. 2 nd Competition Middle Tour 07/08/2014 1:00 p.m. 3 rd Competition Big Tour 07/08/2014 4:00 p.m. 4 th Competition Small Tour 08/08/2014 10:00 a.m. 5 th Competition Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup 3* 08/08/2014 1:00 p.m. 6 th Competition Small Tour - Final 09/08/2014 10:00 a.m. 7 th Competition Middle Tour 09/08/2014 1:00 p.m. 8 th Competition Big Tour 09/08/2014 3:00 p.m. 9 th Competition Six Bar Competition 09/08/2014 5:00 p.m. 10 th Competition Little Prix Bratislava - Middle Tour Final 10/08/2014 11:00 a.m. 11 th Competition Grand Prix Bratislava FEI World Cup 10/08/2014 2:00 p.m. 2. VENUE : The event will take place: indoors outdoors 3. COMPETITION ARENA(S): Dimensions: 70 x 100 m Type of Footing: Grass 4. PRACTICE ARENA(S) : Dimensions: Type of Footing: 5. STABLES : Size of boxes 6. DRAW: 30 x 70 m Sand 3 x 3 and 3,5 x 3,5 m (minimum 3m x 3m+10% 3m x 4m) will take place at the Technical meeting on 06/08/14 at 7 p.m. and on 09/08/2014 30 minutes after the last competition in the VIP tent 7

VI. INVITATIONS The following NFs are invited: Selected NFs for the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup TM : AUT, FIN, CRO, CZE, GRE, HUN, SVK, TUR Additional NFs with a Team: FRA, SWE, AUS, GER, USA Reserved NFs with team: SUI, BRA, ITA, EST, SLO The top ten Athletes (max 2 athletes per NF if not a NF represented by a Team) on the FEI World Cup standings of each Sub-League three weeks prior to a given FEI World Cup Event in either Sub-League must be accepted to that Event. Such Athletes are automatically qualified for the FEI World Cup Competition. Total number of athletes: 100 Number of home athletes: 20 Number of foreign athletes: 80 Number of horses per athlete: 3 Number of Teams: 13 Number of athletes per team: 5 Number of individual athletes per NF, represented by a Team: 0 Number of Individual athletes per NF, if not represented by a Team: 2 OC Wild Cards: FEI Wild Cards: Team wild Card During the show each horse can take part in one competition per day and in addition in the Competition No 9 (Six Bar Competition). N/A N/A N/A Athletes are invited by the Organising Committee through their NF. One groom per athlete. 8

VII. ENTRIES Please refer to Annex I at the last page of this schedule for information on the FEI Online Entry System All Athletes & Horses participating in any International competition must be registered with the FEI, prior to participating. Failure to do sowill result in automatic disqualification of the Athlete and/or Horse. Entries in Principle: 10/05/2014 Nominated Entries: 25/06/2014 Definite Entries: 25/07/2014 Last date for substitutions: 06/08/2014 Entry fee per horse: 500 EUR For the Max. Entry fee please refer to the CSI/CSIO requirements on Annex VI of the Jumping Rules: CSI/CSIO Requirements Worldwide and CSI/CSIO Requirements for North America Stabling fee per horse: Total fee per horse: 500 EUR All Entries must be submitted by the NFs through the FEI s Online Entry System only! Athletes and/or Horses present at the event without having been entered through the FEI s Online Entry System will automatically be disqualified NO-SHOWS/LATE WITHDRAWALS: NB: Withdrawals or no-shows after the date of definite entries will be held liable to reimburse the OC for the actual financial loss incurred by the OC (i.e. stabling and hotel expenses) as a result of the late withdrawal or no-show. The amount to be charged will be 200 EUR per horse ADDITIONAL FEES/CHARGES BY OC: MCP Fee: Nil CHF12.50 Electricity (upon request) 40 EUR Manure disposal 40 EUR Hay 8 EUR The bedding for all CSIO horses for the entire event is at the OCs expenses Other (please specify) All aforementioned amounts are including VAT 9

Event s Category Age of Athletes Age of Horses Olympic Games/WEG As of 18 th year Min 9 y.o. Continental Championships Senior As of 18 th year Min 8 y.o. Regional Championships/Games (all regions except Latin America) As of 18 th year Min 8 y.o. Regional Championships/Games in Latin America As of 18 th year As of 16 th year if height of obstacles max.1.40m (JRs Annex IX, Art. 6.1) Min. 8 y.o. Min. 7 y.o. if height of obstacles max. 1.40m (JRs Art. 254.1.1) World Cup Final As of 18 th year Min. 8 y.o. Nations Cup Final As of 18 th year Min. 8 y.o. CSI-W1*-5*/CSIO-W1*-5* Grand Prix, World Cup, Nations Cup, Power and Skill, Derby or Competition with the highest prize money Other Competitions Other Competitions if height max. 1.40m Other Competitions if height max. 1.20m CSI3*-5*/CSIO1*-5* Grand Prix, Nations Cup, Power and Skill, Derby or Competition with the highest prize money Other Competitions Other Competitions if height max. 1.40m Other Competitions if height max. 1.20m CSI2* Power and Skill or Derby Other Competitions Other Competitions if height max. 1.40m Other Competitions if height max. 1.20m CSI1* Power and Skill or Derby Other Competitions Other Competitions if height max. 1.20m As of 18 th year As of 16 th year with permission of their NF As of 14 th year As of 12 th year As of 18 th year As of 16 th year with permission of their NF As of 14 th year As of 12 th year As of 18 th year As of 16 th year with permission of their NF As of 14 th year As of 12 th year As of 18 th year As of 14 th year with permission of their NF As of 12 th year Min. 7 y.o. Min. 7 y.o. Min. 7 y.o Min. 7 y.o Min. 7 y.o. Min. 6 y.o. Min. 6 y.o. CH-Y As of 16 th year to end 21 st year Min. 7 y.o. CSI/CSIO-Y As of 16 th year to end 21 st year Min. 7 y.o. CH-J As of 14 th year to end 18 th year Min. 7 y.o. CSI/CSIO-J As of 14 th year to end 18 th year Min. 6 y.o. CSI/CSIO-Ch/CH-Ch As of 12 th year to end 14 th year Min. 6 y.o. CSI/CSIOP/CH-P As of 12 th year to end 16 th year Min. 6 y.o. CSIU-25 As of 16 th year to end 25 th year As of 14 th year if height max. 1.40m Min. 7 y.o. CSIV As of 45 th year for women and 49 th for men Min. 6 y.o. CSIAm As of 14 th year Min. 7 y.o. for Cat. A; Min. 6 y.o. for Cat. B CSIYH As of 16 th year Min. 6 y.o. Max. 8 y.o. CH-M-YH-S As of 18 th year or 16 y.o. for athletes qualified with the same horse 5 y.o. / 6 y.o. / 7 y.o. VIII. FACILITIES OFFERED 1. ATHLETES + Chefs d Equipes Hotel: Hotel Tatra (****) Námestie 1. mája 5 Tel : +421 2 5927 2118 811 06 Bratislava Fax: +421 2 5927 2135 E-mail : Reservations to be done exclusively via the OC. Accommodated (bed and breakfast) from 06/08/2014 to 11/08/2014.Team members, Chef d Equipe and Team Vet at OC expense. Meals: from 07/08/2014 to 10/08/2014at the showground. Team members, Chef d Equipe and Team Vet at OC expense (will be covered with the financial value of 15 EUR per person per day). 10

2. GROOMS Requests for accommodation must be sent with entries. Accommodated (bed and breakfast) from 06/08/2014 to 11/08/2014at OC expense. Meals: from 07/08/2014 to 10/08/2014at the showground at OC expense (will be covered with the financial value of 15 EUR per person per day). 3. HORSES Transport expenses to be paid by: The OC at per km. The Athlete. For events in Europe, stabling is free of charge. 4. LOCAL TRANSPORTATION - ARRANGEMENTS FROM HOTEL TO SHOWGROUNDS Arrangements from the hotel to the showground will be provided by the OC 5. WELCOME The time and date of arrival of athletes and horses and their means of transport must be given to the OC in order to assist them on arrival. The arrivals before 06/08/2014 will be not accepted. IX. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. ADVERTISING AND PUBLICITY ON ATHLETES AND HORSES: The Athletes are authorised to carry the logo of their personal sponsor in accordance with Art. 256.3 and 257.3 of the FEI Rules for Jumping. The Chief Steward will check that the advertising and publicity on Athletes and horses complies with these Articles. 2. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION AT THE END OF THE COMPETITIONS A. Leading athlete award (Prize description and value) Best foreign athlete - (Prize description and value) Best home athlete Prize of Honour Team awards (Prize description and value) 11

B. PRIZE - CLASSIFICATION The best home rider will be established according to gained points for the combination rider and horse as set in following table. The result in Grand Prix (Competition No.11) will decide in case of equality of points. Competition Points 1st Pl 2nd Pl 3rd Pl 4th Pl 5th Pl 1 5 4 3 2 1 2 6 5 4 3 2 3 8 7 6 5 4 4 6 5 4 3 2 5/1 12 10 8 7 0 5/2 12 10 8 0 0 6 8 7 6 5 4 7 8 7 6 5 4 8 11 9 8 7 6 9 8 7 6 5 4 10 10 8 7 6 5 11 12 10 8 7 6 3. PRIZE GIVING CEREMONY The owner of the winning horse is not invited to the prize giving ceremony for the Grand Prix. The number of athletes required to present themselves for the prize-giving ceremony of each competition is 6. 3 teams will be present at the prize giving ceremony of the Furusiyya FEI Nations CupTM Competition. 4. INSURANCES All owners and athletes are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by themselves, their employees, their agents or their horses. They are therefore strongly advised to take out third-party insurance providing full coverage for participation in equestrian events at home and abroad, and to keep the policy up to date. The FEI insures all FEI Officials, whose names are published in the FEI Officials lists, against third party liability including Judges, Course Designers, Technical Delegates, FEI Stewards, FEI Veterinary Delegates, Para Classifiers, Members of the Judges Supervisory Panel and FEI Coaches (FEI MCP Veterinarians are covered under a different policy): - Who are acting for or on behalf of the FEI as stated in the approved schedule of the Event or who are acting in the scope and course of the FEI s Business as described in the final approved schedule; and - Who have received the status of FEI Officials at FEI Events through a qualification process. The FEI will NOT insure: - National officials officiating at FEI Events; and/or - FEI Officials, who have no official function at the Event. 12

The insurance extended is for any liability that the FEI Official incurs to a third party, and for the costs of defending any such claim arising as a result of actions undertaken by the FEI Official in good faith (including errors and omissions) on behalf of the FEI. However, the insurance for obvious reasons does not extend to any liabilities incurred as a result of an FEI Official s dishonest, fraudulent, malicious, and/or illegal act. Should an FEI Official become aware of an incident that he or she believes might result in a claim, that FEI Official should notify the FEI immediately and provide all of the facts known to the FEI Official. The FEI cannot guarantee the insurance coverage described above in circumstances where the FEI Official has good cause to believe that there might be a claim and does not provide such timely notice directly to the FEI. 5. ENTRY RIGHT TO SHOWGROUNDS/ACCREDITED PERSONS have the officials, member of the teams (athletes, coaches, Chefs d'equipes, Team Vets and Grooms) and Horses Owners (2 owners per horse as per the FEI's Passport) 6. SAFETY CUPS Name of Manufacturer: Top Jump, Moosmühle 14, 853 76 Massenhausen, Germany 7. TIMING DEVICE Name of Manufacturer: Alge Timing Model: TDC 8001 FEI Report number: 22020007A 8. PROTESTS/APPEALS To be valid, all Protests and Appealsmust be made in writing and accompanied by a deposit of CHF 150.- or equivalent. 9. EVENT'S ORGANISATION In exceptional circumstances, together with the approval of Chefs d'equipe and Ground Jury the OC reserves the right to modify the schedule in order to clarify any matter or matters arising from an omission or due to unforeseen circumstances. Unforeseen circumstances do not include situations arising as a results of the OC altering the approved Schedule without FEI s authorisation. Any such changes must be notified to all competitors and officials as soon as possible and they must be reported to the FEI Secretary General by the Foreign Judge. 10. SCHOOLING DURING COMPETITIONS Riders wishing to school during speed competitions (Table A and Table C) must inform the OC before these competitions begin. These riders will start first in these competitions. 11. DISPUTES In the event of any discussion concerning the interpretation of the schedule (in translated languages), the English version will be decisive. 12. RESULTS In order to proceed with the results publication and for qualification purposes the FEI requires results to be uploaded directly on the FEI Database within five days after the conclusion of the event. All relevant information, file format and tutorial can be found on this page: 13 If you or your provider are unable to produce the required files, results will be accepted by e-mail to, in the proper Excel or XML format immediately after the event. Please refer to compulsory format for CSIs/CSIOs/Championships and Games; the file can be downloaded using the following link: All results must include FEI Passport Registration number of horses and FEI ID number of Riders. 13. BETTING Betting will not take place at this event. 14

X. VETERINARY MATTERS VETERINARY REGULATIONS (VRs), 13 th edition, effective 1 January 2014 1. CUSTOMS FORMALITIES The OC recommends to use as customs documents for the horse transportation exclusively the ATA Carnet. 2. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS GENERAL In accordance with the FEI Code of Conduct it is imperative that all Horses at FEI Events are physically fit and free from infectious disease before being allowed to compete. ENTRY OF HORSES Only the vaccination against influenza required 3. NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS N/A 4. TRANSPORT OF HORSES Horses must be fit to travel and be transported in vehicles suitable for the transport of horses. Any government requirements for disease testing and control must be requested well in advance, and the Horse be in compliance by the time of arrival at the border of the country where the Event is taking place. Athletes, or their representatives, have a responsibility to be in compliance of national legislation in both the country of origin, return, and the host nation of the Event; where necessary Athletes must contact local government authorities or veterinary advisors for information regarding animal health requirements and transport legislation. Within the European Union (EU), this includes EU Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 concerning the protection of animals during transport within the Member States of the EU. 5. VENUE ARRIVAL INFORMATION& FITNESS TO COMPETE PASSPORTS General Regulations Article 137 For all Horses FEI Passports/FEI Recognition Cards issues, please address to your National Federation All Horses competing at FEI Events must be registered with the FEI. FEI Passports or FEI Recognition Cards - for those Horses with a national passport approved by the FEI, are compulsory for FEI Events, with the exception of CNs and CIMs as outlined below. 15

Event s Category National Events CSI1*-2*/J-B/Y-B/Ch-B/U25- B/V-B/Am-B/P/Ch-A CSI3*-5*/CSIOs/J-A/Y-A/V- A/U25-A/Am-A All Championships/Games CSI1*-5*-W FEI Passport and or Recognition Card Not compulsory Not compulsory for Horses from the host Nation Compulsory for Horses from the invited Nations Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Athletes whose Horse s Passport and/or Recognition Card is not correctly validated, or failing to meet other passportrequirements including for vaccination and Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication control (Veterinary Regulations Article 1030) will be subject to Sanctions in accordance with Annex II of the Veterinary Regulationsand may not be allowed to compete. Athletes will be required to write their name and counter sign next to any passport irregularity entry noted, as an acknowledgement, prior to receiving the passport and leaving the show ground. Following a warning being issued for such an irregularity the Athlete will have 30 days to correct this, failure to correct such irregularities within 30 days will result in a sanction being imposed. Note for Horses permanently resident in a Member State of the European Union, all Horses must have a national EU passport in compliance with EU Regulations, to which a FEI Recognition card is applied. The exception to this being Horses in possession of an FEI passport which has been continually revalidated without interruption. VACCINATIONS - EQUINE INFLUENZA 2014 Veterinary Regulations Article 1028 Horses competing at FEI Events must comply with the requirements for Equine Influenza vaccination in accordance with the Veterinary Regulations and as summarised below. VACCINATION PROTOCOL ELIGIBILITY TO ENTER VENUE Primary Course 1 st Vaccination: day 0 (e.g. 1 January) 2 nd Vaccination: day 21-92 (e.g. 1 February) May compete 7 days after the 2 nd Vaccination First Booster Boosters Within 7 months of the 2 nd vaccination of the Primary Course (e.g. 1 August) MINIMUM: within one year of previous booster vaccination IF COMPETING: must be competing in the 6 months +21 days ofthe previous booster vaccination May compete for 6 months +21 days after the 2 nd vaccination of the Primary Course Must not compete in the 7 days after receiving a vaccination (e.g. may enter venue after 7 August) Must have been vaccinated with the 6 months +21 days before arriving at the Event Must not compete in the 7 days after receiving a vaccination Exceptions to the requirement for FEI equine influenza vaccinations currently exist only for those Horses competing at CNs or CIMs where there are no national requirements for influenza vaccination in both the Event host country and the Horse s country of origin (General Regulations Article 137). 16

EXAMINATION ON ARRIVAL 2014 Veterinary Regulations Article 1032 On arrival at an Event venue all Horses must undergo an examination by a veterinarian to confirm their identification from their passport, their vaccination status and general health. To protect all horses attending events, any Horse with a questionable health status, with regards to vaccination, disease or other concerns, must be stabled within the isolation facilities provided by the Organising Committee pending a decision on entering the venue. HORSE INSPECTIONS 2014 Veterinary Regulations Article 1033 All Horses will be assessed for their orthopaedic fitness to compete during the Horse Inspection. Any Horse demonstrating questionable fitness may be referred to the Holding Box for further veterinary examination. Horses not deemed fit not to compete will be eliminated by the Ground Jury and not be permitted to continue in the competition. LIMB SENSITIVITY EXAMINATION Horses are not eligible to compete when a limb, or part of a limb, is hyposensitive or hypersensitive (both of which shall constitute abnormal limb sensitivity ). Hypersensitive limbs have an excessive or abnormal reaction to palpation. Hyposensitive limbs include any alteration in sensitivity induced by a neurectomy or chemical desensitisation for as long as the alteration in sensitivity persists. All Horses are subject to Examination under the Protocol for abnormal limb sensitivity throughout the Period of an Event, including, but not limited to, between rounds and before the Jump Off. Horses may be examined once or on multiple occasions during the Period of an Event. Horses may be selected for Examination under the Protocol randomly or they may be targeted. All Horses selected to be tested must submit promptly to the Examination or are subject to immediate Disqualification. There is no obligation to examine any specific number of Horses at an Event. 6. EQUINE ANTI-DOPING AND CONTROLLED MEDICATION 2014Veterinary Regulations, Chapter VI EQUINE ANTI-DOPING AND CONTROLLED MEDICATION PROGRAMME (EADCMP) Within FEI Groups I & II, the Organising Committee should charge competitors the equivalent of CHF 12.50 towards the cost of the EADCMP, which is affected by the FEI Veterinary Department. SAMPLING All horses competing at FEI Events may be subject to sampling for the presence of FEI Equine Prohibited Substances in accordance with the FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMRs). Horses may be selected for sampling in accordance with obligatory testing, targeted or random sampling procedures (2013 Veterinary Regulations Article 1057 and1058). CLEAN SPORT INFORMATION The current FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List of Banned Substances and Controlled Medications (the EPSL)is available on the FEI Clean Sport website: as 17

a PDF document, database or smart phone app. Detection times are also provided for a limited number of Controlled Medication substances where available. Elective Testing may be carried out, by Competitors for their Horses, prior to an Event to check for the presence of prohibited substances (please refer to for information and details Art. 1956) FEI LABORATORY FOR SAMPLE ANALYSIS GROUPS I & II ONLY FEI CENTRAL LABORATORY Under Veterinary Regulations Chapter VI, Article 1057 all samples collected in Groups I and II, must be analysed by the FEI Central Laboratory, currently Horseracing Forensic Laboratories (H.F.L) Sport Science, Quotient Bioresearch Limited Newmarket Road Fordham, Cambridgeshire CB7 5WW. Samples collected outside of FEI Groups 1 and 2 may be analysed at an alternative FEI Approved Laboratory.Addresses and contact details can be found at list%20of%20labs%20%2711.pdf Details of FEI Approved Laboratory appointed to carry out analyses on samples collected at this event. (Vet. Regs. Art. 1064). The list of approved Laboratories and further information is available on the FEI website. Name: Address: Horseracing Forensic Laboratories (HFL) Sport & Science Att.: Dr Steve Maynard Quotient Biosearch Limited Newmarket Road Fordham Cambridgeshire CB7 5WW United Kingdom Telephone: +44-1638 724 406 Fax: +44-1638 724 407 Email: FURTHER QUERIES ON THIS INFORMATION NOTE If you have any further questions please Please feel free to for further information. Tel +41 21 544 10 44 or +41 21 310 47 39 7. PONIES For all Pony Events, Ponies must be available for Pony Measurement prior to the Horse Inspectionand throughout the event be subject to the requirements of the2014veterinary Regulations, Chapter IV). 8. INJURY SURVEILLANCE Horses participating in FEI Events are subject to injury surveillance protocols; such information is essential to ensure that (i) the Horse s welfare remains paramount at all times and (ii) sound scientific reasoning is applied to the safety of all Horses and Athletes participating at Events. 18

XI. HUMAN ANTI-DOPING At a minimum, and pursuant to the ADRHAs, Organisers must provide the following at Events where human anti-doping testing is scheduled to take place at least 2 months prior to the Event: 1. One (1) staff member able to act as point of contact and coordinator for the Doping Control Officers (DCOs) with the contact name and details of this staff member to be communicated to the FEI at least two (2) weeks prior to the starting date of the Event. 2. Human anti-doping facilities reasonably separated from public activity, consisting of: - one (1) private room exclusively dedicated for use by the DCOs with one (1) table, two (2) chairs, pens and paper and one (1) lockable fridge; and - a waiting room/area with a suitable number of chairs as well as an appropriate amount of individually sealed, non-caffeinated and non alcoholic beverages, which includes a mix of natural mineral water and soft drinks ; and - one (1) private and clean bathroom/toilet, adjacent or as near as possible to the DCO room and waiting area. 3. Staff members (or volunteers) of both genders, able to act as Chaperones. The number of Chaperones available to the OC must be communicated to the FEI as early as possible following receipt by the OC of the Testing plan for the Event. Please see the qualifications for Chaperones in the ADRHAs. 19

XII. COMPETITIONS International competitionsmust not start before 08:00 and should not finish after 23:00 unless otherwiseapproved by the FEI. TOTAL AMOUNT OF PRIZE MONEY: 122 000 EUR + listof prizes in kind (if applicable)with their value 0 EUR Name of Class Amount (Currency) Competition No 1 Small Tour 3 000 EUR Competition No 2 Middle Tour 4 500 EUR Competition No 3 Big Tour 7 000 EUR Competition No 4 Small Tour 3 000 EUR Competition No 5 Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup 3* LR 25 000 EUR Competition No 6 Small Tour - Final 4 500 EUR Competition No 7 Middle Tour 6 000 EUR Competition No 8 Big Tour LR 24 000 EUR Competition No 9 Six Bar Competition 11 000 EUR Competition No 10 Little Prix Bratislava - Middle Tour Final 8 000 EUR Competition No 11 Grand Prix Bratislava FEI World Cup LR 26 000 EUR DEDUCTIONS FROM PRIZE MONEY AT COMPETITIONS Full details of any deductions from prize money must be outlined in the schedule.this includes government taxes. If it is necessary for OCs to deduct such taxes, they must provide participants with an official form indicating the amount of tax deducted. 20% The tax form must be provided to the athletes upon arrival and returned to the OC prior to departing. IMPORTANT The total amount of prize money shown for each Competition in the schedule must be distributed. (GR Art 127, 128) For details of the Breakdown for each competition please refer to the tables at the end of this document; the OC must specify which of the two tables will be used. The total prize money for the competition must be distributed among the first 12 placed athletes. The OC must provide additional created prizes for athletes placed beyond 12 th place. The minimum amount for each of these additional prizes, for athletes placed from 13 th to last place, must be clearly specified in the approved schedule. 20

IMPORTANT Maximum Number of starters per competition: 100. If more than 100 starters are entered, the OC must split the class and provide the equivalent amount of prize money for the additional Competition. OCs may apply either of the following methods for splitting the Competition: The competition is split into two groups before it starts. There may be a different number of starters in each group. There may be athletes with multiple horses in each group but all horses of any one athlete must be in the same group. OR The competition is run as one single competition and split afterward into two groups and the classification established as follows: the athlete with the best score is the winner of the first group, the athlete with the second best score is the winner of the second group and so on until prizes have been allocated to 25% of the total number of starters. NB: In this case separate results must be sent to the FEI for each of the two groups, e.g. results for Competition 1a and for Competition 1b. In both cases above each group must offer the same amount of prize money as indicated for the original Competition. 21

FIRST DAY : Thursday DATE (dd/mm/yy) : 07/08/13 COMPETITION No 1 will start at 10 a.m. Small Tour Speed/Fixed time Art. 274.5.3, Table A 350 m/min Obstacles 1 st Round max. height: 130 cm 2 nd Round max. height: 135 cm Number of horses per athlete 2 Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 3 000 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 40 EUR COMPETITION No 2 will start at 1 p.m. Medium Tour Speed/Fixed time Art. 274.5.3, Table A 350 m/min Obstacles 1 st Round max. height: 135 cm 2 nd Round max. height: 140 cm Number of horses per athlete 2 Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 4 500 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 50 EUR COMPETITION No 3 will start at 4 p.m. Big Tour Speed/Fixed time Obstacles max. height: Number of horses per athlete 1 Art. 238.2.1, Table A, without Jump-Off 375 m/min 150 cm Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 7 000 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 70 EUR First Qualifier for the Grand Prix Competition 22

SECOND DAY : Friday DATE (dd/mm/yy) : 08/08/14 COMPETITION No 4 will start at 10 a.m. Small Tour Speed/Fixed time Obstacles max. height: Number of horses per athlete 1 Art. 238.2.1, Table A, without Jump-Off 350 m/min 135 cm Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 3 000 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 40 EUR COMPETITION No 5 will start at 1 p.m. Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup 3* Art. 264 The international official team jumping (4 riders) competition. The total number of teams in the 2nd round will be 8. The home team cannot take part in the 2nd round if not qualified among the top 8 teams. In case of a tie the times of the 3 best riders in each team will be taken to break the tie. The starting order in the 1st round will be established by a draw. In case of equality of penalties for 1st place after both rounds there will be a jump-off against the clock with one rider per team. The course will be built according to a 4* event (see technical specifications) as per Art. 5.2.2 of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Series Rules and also as per Art. 264.3.1 of the Jumping Rules. Total prize money: 25 000 EUR All teams in the second round receive Prize money Breakdown of the prize money: 7400-5400-4200-3200-2200-1400-800-400 EUR Second Qualifier for the Grand Prix competition THIRD DAY : Saturday DATE (dd/mm/yy) : 09/08/14 COMPETITION No 6 Small Tour Final will start at 10 a.m. Art. 238.2.2, Table A, with Jump-Off Speed/Fixed time 375 m/min Obstacles max. height: 140 cm Number of horses per athlete 2 23

Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 4 500 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 50 EUR COMPETITION No 7 Middle Tour will start at 1 p.m. Art. 238.2.1, Table A, without Jump-Off Speed/Fixed time Obstacles max. height: Number of horses per athlete 2 375 m/min 140 cm Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 6 000 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 60 EUR COMPETITION No 8 Big Tour will start at 3 p.m. Art. 238.2.1, Table A, without Jump-Off Speed/Fixed time Obstacles max. height: Number of horses per athlete 1 375 m/min 150 cm Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 24 000 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 150 EUR Third Qualifier for the Grand Prix COMPETITION No 9 Six Bar Competition will start at 5 p.m. Art. 262.3, Table A Number of horses per athlete 2 Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 11 000 EUR 24

2 (33% to winner) Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 100 EUR FOURTH DAY : Sunday DATE (dd/mm/yy) : 10/08/14 COMPETITION No 10 Little Prix Bratislava - Middle Tour Final will start at 11 a.m. Art. 238.2.2, Table A, with Jump-Off Speed/Fixed time Obstacles max. height: Number of horses per athlete 1 375 m/min 145 cm Maximum number of Starters: 100, if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided. Total prize money: Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) 8 000 EUR Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 80 EUR COMPETITION No 11 will start at 2 p.m. Mercedes Grand Prix Bratislava - Big Tour Final - FEI World Cup Qualifier Art. 238.2.2, Table A, with Jump-Off Speed/Fixed time 375 m/min Obstacles min. height: 140 cm Obstacles max. height: 160 cm Number of horses per athlete 1 Maximum number of Athletes: 60 Total prize money: 26 000 EUR Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner) 2 (33% to winner) Prize money amount for each athlete placed beyond 13 th : 150 EUR The Grand Prix is open to 60 riders including those specified in the Art. 261.4.1 of FEI Jumping Rules. Automatically qualified for the Grand-Prix competition are the following athletes: The individual medal winners (Athletes) of the last Olympic and Pan American Games, of the last World and Continental Championships and the first placed Athlete/Horse combination in the last 2014 FEI World Cup Final. The top ten Athletes on the FEI World Cup standings of each Sub-League three weeks prior to a given FEI World Cup Event in either Sub-League are also automatically qualified for the FEI World Cup Competition. Qualified also for the Grand-Prix Competition are: 25

The four best-placed Athletes, taken from the non-team Athletes plus individuals and those Athletes not taking part in the second round of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup, in Competition No 8. The 18 best-placed Athletes following rounds one and two in the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Competition. Those equal on penalties for 18th place are separated by their combined times in the first and second rounds of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Competition. In case of a further tie the Athletes concerned are permitted to take part in the Grand Prix. The remaining athletes up to a quota of 60 are qualified through Competition No 3, according to their placing. All Athletes taking part at the Grand-Prix Competition must have finished with their Grand- Prix horse, the first round of one competition prior to the Grand-Prix. Starting order will be established by a draw. Both courses of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup TM and the FEI World Cup TM (GrandPrix) competitions must reach the FEI at least one week prior the starting day of the event for approval. IMPORTANT Prize Money Distribution: Please specify under each Competition which of the two charts you will be using for the distribution of the Prize Money (Chart 1 or Chart 2). For Competitions run in two rounds with more than 12 starters in 2 nd round: OCs that indicate in the schedule that a specific number (that is more than 12) of athletes will return for the second round will be permitted to distribute the prize money for that competition among all the athletes taking part in the second round, even if the second round is followed by a jump-off in case of a tie on penalties for first place after the second round. THE APPENDIX (8 PAGES) IS PART OF THIS APPROVED AND SIGNED SCHEDULE AND MUST BE DISTRIBUTED TO ALL OFFICIALS AND NFs AND IS AVAILABLE TO OTHERS UPON REQUEST 26